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英语翻译1Satellite TV bas turned European soccer into Asia's spo

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 07:28:19
1Satellite TV bas turned European soccer into Asia's sport of choice.Now Europe's teams and Asia's businesses are racing to conver the fan's favor into cash.That mix looks set to change the face of soccer forever.
2The information world is in the midst of a second wireless revolution,as profound as the one that gave us radio 100 years ago.As cell phones become more and more powerful,many think they're on course to replace the PC.
3He quickly built a reputation for having the best food in Switaerland.People from all over came to see what all the fuss was about.His aim was to open a chain of restaurants that was affordable for all to dine at.HE had a motto which was "just make it taste good."
1 卫星电视将欧洲的足球赛事变成亚洲人观看体育项目的一个选择.现在欧洲俱乐部和亚洲的转播部门将准备继续合作,将球迷们对足球赛事的喜爱转变成经济利益.这次合作将会永久的改变足球在世界的地位.
2 信息时代出现在第二次无线技术革命的中期,它的出现和一百年前收音机的出现一样,具有重大的意义.随着移动电话的使用越来越广泛,很多人认为它甚至可以取代电脑.
3 在瑞士他迅速的建立了国内最具信誉的食品公司.四面八方的人都惊讶于他的迅速成功.他的目的就是建立一个食品连锁店,使人人都有在那里用餐的支付能力.他的座右铭是:“只为制出好食物”.