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Book 1 Module 6 参考答案及部分解析
1-5 CBBAA 6-10 BCABB
11-15 BABAC 16-20 BBCCC
21-25 DACBA 26-30 DBABD
31-35 CADAC 36-40 ADCCB
41-45 DCDBA 46-50 CADCB
51-55 CDABA 56-60 DADAB
61-65 CBDCB 66-70 BABCB
71-75 DBGCF
76. A (truck) driver.
77. Because it didn’t hinder his work. / Because he never drank when he was at work.
78. Because he didn’t stop when the lights were red. / Because he ran the red lights.
79. Not to drink when he was at work.
80. He drank a lot.
81. I often went for ... went → go
82. ... because the nature ... 去掉the
83. ... the park where is ... where → that / which
84. ... far away my house. away后加from
85. ..., but enjoy the ... but → and
86. On the whole day, ... On → For / During
87. ... and more relaxing. relaxing → relaxed
88. My morning walk keep ... keep → keeps
89. ... improves my healthy. healthy → health
90. ... I enjoy them ... them → it / that
One possible version:
The advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet for learning is a subject of great debate.
The most obvious advantage of using the Internet for learning is that there is so much information that is readily available. This saves time and effort for the students who are already very busy. However, using the Internet can make students lazy. Also, there is much false information on the Internet, which many students are not able to tell.
I think used wisely, the Internet can be a great help but used badly, it can have a negative effect on students.
21. D.have access to 是固定搭配,意为“ 有使用/接近…… 的权利/机会”;Internet为专有名词,其前用定冠词the.
22. A.题意:根据一项调查,普通(average)孩子一周会花费大约十个小时的时间来看电视.
23. C.compare ... with ... 把……与……相比.compare 与其主语English Weekly之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用compare的过去分词形式作状语.
24. B.根据“我要去机场接我表哥”可知,发话者问王先生是否允许(permission)他早点走.contact 接触,联系;reaction反应;defence保护.
25. A.middle-aged 意为“中年的”;由“数词+名词”构成的合成形容词,其中名词用单数形式,故选five-storey(五层).
26. D.根据答语“不,我总是有很多作业要做”可知,上句是问“ 你经常(frequently)放学后玩电脑游戏吗?”
27. B.由“我要去超市”可知,下句表示“当你在那里时,你能给我买些糖吗?”while 强调“在……期间”,引导时间状语从句.
28. A.根据句中的“让我迟到”可知,主路被封闭引起(creating)了诸多交通问题.invent 发明;design 设计;store 储存.
29. B.由if 条件句的内容可知,主句中应用could表示可能性.
30. D.分析句子结构可知,此处用it 作形式宾语,真正的宾语为for people to communicate ... QQ.
31. C.根据后句中的From that moment on(从那时起)可知,此处应用一般过去时.
32. A.题意:老师问谁能想出(come up with)一个容易的办法来解答这道数学题.concentrate on 集中注意力于;refer to指的是;get away from 摆脱.
33. D.here 位于句首,主语为名词时用完全倒装语序,且“a series of + 名词复数”作主语时谓语动词通常用单数形式.
34. A.由答语可知,问句表示“你知道一个电脑系统由什么组成?”consist of 意为“由……组成”,为不及物动词,不能用于被动语态,也不用于进行时,故选A项.consist in存在于.
35. C.根据“女士,早上好”及“我想给我儿子买件T 恤衫”可知,在此为服务员询问“您想买什么?”故选C 项.How can I help you? 与What can I do for you? 均为服务用语,意为“我能为您效劳吗?”完形填空:话题:人际关系、兴趣与爱好本文是记叙文.作者带女儿去拜访一位小提琴老师,这位老师所表现出的智慧与无私令人叹服.
36. A.由段首的take music lessons 以及下文的study the violin 可知,女儿问“我们”是否可以“学(study)”打鼓.
37. D.由上文的we did not want to have drums in our house 可知,“我们”“告诉(told)”女儿去学小提琴.
38. C.由文中出现的in ten minutes 和in such a short time 可知,女儿初次与小提琴老师会面的时间很“短(short)”.
39. C.由本句的so happy with her teacher以及was looking forward to violin lessons 可知,与小提琴老师的愉快交谈让女儿“忘记了(forgot)”她要学习打鼓的梦想.
40. B.能让女儿忘记原来打鼓的梦想而学习小提琴,由此可看出这个小提琴老师“很棒(wonderful)”.下文的this wonderful teacher也是提示.
41. D.由上文的looking forward to violin lessons 可知,小提琴老师认为女儿学小提琴可以学得很好.
42. C.由but 一词的转折以及下文情节发展可知,小提琴老师认为女儿天生的节拍和节奏感更适合学习打鼓,因此鼓是女儿“最佳的(perfect)”乐器.
43. D.小提琴老师认为女儿最适合打鼓,故他“建议(advised)”女儿师从打鼓老师.
44. B.“我”并没有告诉小提琴老师女儿想学打鼓,故他的建议令“我”感到奇怪.“女儿的兴奋”与“‘我’感到奇怪”之间是转折对比关系,故此处选择but.
45. A.由he explained ... 可知,“我”“问(asked)”小提琴老师(是如何知道女儿喜欢打鼓的).46. C.女儿的节拍和节奏感使小提琴老师“认为(think)”她可能擅长打鼓.
47. A.由上文的we did not want drums in our house 可知.
48. D.因为“我们”家不想有鼓,所以小提琴老师告诉“我”社区中心有个打鼓室可以让孩子们在那里“练习(practice)”.
49. C.由上文的my daughter was so happy with her teacher 可知,女儿对这个小提琴老师“感兴趣(interested in)”.
50. B.51. C.女儿喜欢这位小提琴老师,她不确信自己是否应该学习打鼓.当“我们”告诉老师这一情况后,他的“回答(reply)”是:他一直都在,如果女儿觉得不想学打鼓了,可以随时找他上小提琴“课(lessons)”.
52. D.由上文的he thought ... her to learn from the drum teacher at the community center 可知,在如此短的时间内小提琴老师能发现女儿更适合学习打鼓并“建议(suggesting)”她学习打鼓,“我们”对此感到吃惊.
53. A.由上文的She asked us if she could ... drums以及her dream of playing drums 可知,学习打鼓原本是女儿的“梦想(dream)”.
54. B.“我们”本来是送女儿去学小提琴的,但小提琴老师却建议女儿去学打鼓.他“放弃了(gave up)”一个原本可以收费的学生,为此“我们”感到十分感动.
55. A.由老师建议女儿学习打鼓这一事实可知,这个小提琴老师知道学习什么是对女儿“最好的(best)”.
本文是议论文.文章是关于T. A. Barren的作品Where is Grandpa?的书评.
56. D.细节理解题.文章第一段提到的Would you be able to let someone go that you really loved? If you're like most people, that would be pretty hard 就是Where is Grandpa?的主人公小男 孩遇到的问题:他失去了他亲爱的爷爷.
57.A.词义猜测题.根据第三段的Grandpa died 和The little boy was sad, ... Things were hard for him 可知,爷爷的去世让小男孩悲痛欲绝.故此处devastated有 “难过,悲伤”之意.
58. D.推理判断题.文章第一段概述 Where is Grandpa?的主人公经历了亲人离世的痛苦;第二、三、四段介绍了本书主人公与爷爷的关系、爷爷离世对他的影响、寻找爷爷等情节,由此可 推测出本书是关于爷孙之情的故事.
59. A.文章出处题.从文章第一段的In T.A. Barren's Where is Grandpa? 和最 后一段的This story teaches me that some things in life are hard 可以看出,本文是对T.A. Barren 的作品Where is Grandpa?的评论,故本文是一篇书评.
本文是应用文.文章是对网站 KarmasWorld.com的创始人Karma的采访.
60. B.细节理解题.根据第一段的The purpose of the site isn't just to provide kids ... want to teach kids about ... 可看出,KarmasWorld.com 主要是为儿童创建的.
61. C.推理判断题.根据第一段的The purpose of the site isn't just to provide kids with a fun place to kill time ... to teach kids about topics such as math, science, and geography while also encouraging good manners, honesty, and kindness 可知.下文的Like my website — it's both entertaining and educational也是提示.
62. B.细节理解题.根据J: Why is “keeping it green” important to you? K: Because if we don't keep the Earth clean, then our time here is limited 可知,Karma 认为维持地球干净、保护环境很重要.
63. D.推理判断题.根据Justin Bieber 对 KarmasWorld.com 的盛赞changing the world 可知,他认为KarmasWorld.com 是很有用的.
64. C.句意理解题.由第二段的Her mother dislikes Colin 和第三段的it is time for Lisette to marry someone else 可知,Lisette 的妈妈看到她和Colin 交谈,感到很生气,决定要把她嫁给某个人.
65. B.推理判断题.由第四段内容和第 五段的On the wedding day, there is a storm, so it can't continue 可以推断,Lisette的妈妈同意Lisette和Alain结婚.
66. B.推理判断题.由第六段的As soon as she does, Colin goes into the house quietly 可知,Lisette 让她妈妈打铃鼓是想让她妈妈睡着,从而给Colin 创造一个进屋的机会.
67. A.细节理解题.由第六段的When Madame Simone finds the scarf, she knows that Colin has been there 可知,Lisette 的妈妈醒来之后发现了Colin 丢下的围巾,就知道他来了.
68. B.细节理解题.根据文章内容可知,格里尔·孟徳尔的父亲先送他上高中,之后他当了和尚,在寺庙通过做大量豌豆实验,最后发现了遗传规律,故本题的正确顺序为B项.
69. C.段落大意题.第四段中的these experiments 指的就是第三段内容.孟德尔是通过培植豌豆,对不同豌豆的特质进行了细微的研究,从而发现了植物的遗传规律,故第三段是讲述他如何发现植物遗传规律的.
70. B.细节理解题.根据最后两段的during his lifetime no one cared about what he had discovered以及his important discovery was accepted in 1990 可知,直到孟德尔去世,他的发现都没被人们认可和接受,他为此感到悲伤.