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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 04:02:42
"17 "Two boats full of people were sucked beneath the Titanic's surface when it sank."At one point Colonel Gracie heard a passenger ask,'Don't you think we ought to pray?' They then took count and found the group to be comprised of Roman Catholics,Presbyterians and Episcopalians."To make matters worse the look out station was without binoculars.The Titanic was damaged and damaged badly.Titanic's wireless room was receiving many iceberg warnings that day,but even more came that night.The temperature was said to be thirty one degrees Fahrenheit."14 Many people were selfish enough to take a child and pretend him to be theirs so they could get in the lifeboat.Some passengers were even shot as they struggled to get in the lifeboats.The lifeboats were then being loaded.The screams slowly died down while many people drowned or froze to death.,Officer Fredrick Fleet,in the crow's nest,was starring into the dark when he started to make out a large black object straight ahead.
Titanic was the dream ship no one thought could be destroyed.Like society today,these passengers were enjoying life and thought nothing could happen to them.White Starline’s Titanic was called “the ship of dreams”,or at least that was what everyone knew it to be.The day was April 12,1912,as they loaded up,many passengers of different classes and sectors of society thought this was their ticket to new lives.The ship slowly pulled away from the dock while the 2,200 passengers aboard Titanic waved farewell.1 Rich and poor,famous and obscure,“Titanic was a symbol of structured society.”2 First class was very high class.Aboard Titanic’s first class were the famous John Jacob Astor,Molly Brown,the countess of Roths and many other wealthy families.Second class was high class but pretty average.However,third class was nothing to talk about.The families in third class were not well off.Although some were jealous of first class,many were thankful for what they had.3 Titanic was one of the largest man made ships of that time.Everything was set to perfection.Titanic was thought to be a safe ship.Ismay,the ship’s designer,designed water tight doors that would make Titanic unsinkabl