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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 20:31:31
Recently,Whether TV commercials for children are bad or not caused a heated discussion in the newspaper.From my point of view,we should make laws to ban TV commercials aiming to children.Here are the reasons.
The TV commercials is poison to the children,for children are only shown how superior they will be if they own the advertised products,however,the labor should be paid is hidden purposely.Then kids will ask for parents now and then until they agree.时间久了,不劳而获将会成为一种习惯.这种习惯可能伴随他们的一生,让他们难以独立自主,最后成为所谓的“啃老族”.
Since we have realized that too many TV commercials for children will 诱发serious social problems.It’s time to take measures to protect our children from spirit poisons,立法禁止针对孩童的广告.
Recently, television advertisements on children are good or bad in the press caused hot.
I think that we should try to ban television advertising aimed at children, because too much television advertising is a crime against a child, my view is based on the following discussion.
TV advertising is the spirit of the poison, it is one-sided advertising to children has demonstrated product superiority is hidden to be happy to pay the labor and hardships. So they blindly to the parents to demand, parents can indulge. Over time, something for nothing will become a habit. This used to be with them for life, so that they can hardly independent, eventually became the so-called "Neets."
Since we recognize that too many children's television advertising for the serious social problems will be induced, is the time to take action to protect our children away from the spirit of the poison, legislation to ban television advertising aimed at children.
英语翻译是这样的,要写英语作文,押题.第一部分中文是我要写的大意(不必完全尊崇),第二部分是我翻译的句子.请回答者,1把 英语翻译以下是我写的句子 英文部分是我摘录下来的部分 不必动请帮我翻中文的部分 希望可以尽量帮我翻成简单二要的 句子 不 英语翻译(中文是想要表达的意思,翻译不必和中文完全一样)中文部分:神啊,请在一夜间赐予我智慧,幽默,和一口流利的英语吧. 英语翻译(中文是想要表达的意思,翻译不必和中文完全一样)中文部分:我是IT的本科国际留学生,这是我的第二学期.我希望能够 英语翻译(中文是想要表达的意思,翻译不必和中文完全一样)中文部分:学习太痛苦,需要美食平衡一下.我的翻译:Study i 英语翻译(中文是想要表达的意思,翻译不必和中文完全一样)中文部分:我的house每周三晚上都有Community din 英语翻译(中文是想要表达的意思,翻译不必和中文完全一样)中文部分:非常的抱歉我missed the counsellin 英语翻译(中文是想要表达的意思,翻译不必和中文完全一样)中文部分:1.一开始,因为你的第二张照片,我还以为你是马来西亚人 英语翻译(中文是想要表达的意思,翻译不必和中文完全一样)中文部分:终于通过Legal Service,我从旅行社拿到了本 英语翻译(中文是想要表达的意思,翻译不必和中文完全一样)中文部分:如果我是在20年前考出这样的成绩,我一定会被惩罚得很惨 英语翻译(中文是想要表达的意思,翻译不必和中文完全一样)中文部分:请相信我这次考试没考好是一次失误,并不能代表我没有努力 英语翻译(中文是想要表达的意思,翻译不必和中文完全一样)中文部分:我喜欢在家看电影的时候把房间弄得很黑,设置环绕音箱.并