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they are said to be very good怎么翻译

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 03:48:25
they are said to be very good怎么翻译
They are said to be very good.
=It is said that they are very good. (主语从句)
=People say that they are very good. (宾语从句)
再问: 这是啥句式 they are said 是被动吧 they are said that are very good行不行 如果可以 that可以省略吗
再答: 翻译成:据说他们很优秀。 句式1和句式2是被动结构,不能说成 they are said that are very good。 只能转换成以下说法: They are said to be very good. =It is said that they are very good. (主语从句)(主语从句中的that只起连接作用,不充当从句中的任何成分,但也不可以省略。) =People say that they are very good. (宾语从句)(宾语从句中的第一个that可以省略。)