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求修改英语作文Dear Dave,I’m glad to get your letter asking for my a

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 16:36:20
Dear Dave,
I’m glad to get your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well.Here is my advice.You can join Chinese class,can learn and practice Chinese with classmates to the teacher.second,You also can watching Chinese TV,read books,newspapers and magazines in Chinese.And next,listen to and sing Chinese songs,help to Chinese vocabulary.Last,you make some Chinese friends.You can practice oral English can understand China again.
In the picture,two people put their boat on the beach below a coconut tree,which serves the purpose of avoiding the boat being damaged or immerged by seawater.They enjoyed the sunshine and they yelled “NO water!No worries for safety,they opitimistically arrived at a conclusion that their situation was safe.Suddenly,the coconut is falling down without their notice.
In real life,people are eager to enjoy the landscape and stay closer to the nature,but the truth is that they should pay more attention to the downside of the situation they are in.Depite the fact that people come up with a variety to ways to solve problems of this sort,it is very necessary to do some analysis that analyze the pros and cons of the solutions they come up with,either a short term solution being implemented or the long term solution being carried out that fullfill the safety or other goals.WIthout analyzing properly,short term solution is shakeable that causes pitfalls.There are many real examples of this,such as the two people in picture.
I think that it is merely a short –term solution in comparison of a long-term safety problem.It is not surprising that people are paid more attention on the importance of the safety.what can we do to take actions to protect our safe is definetly a necessary topic in our education or enven thoughout our life.One way to learn more knowledge about safety problems is to analyze the situation and compare the long term solution to the short term solution,which one is better fit in the given situation.Another thing needs attention is to look around the warning signs.Safety is a basic start towards a better future for which we must value.