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英语翻译1、 从西方的角度出发对西方文化背景的理解上,如:著名的心理惊悚片“seven”.这部影片讲述的是一个疯狂的凶手

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 11:00:38
1、 从西方的角度出发
对西方文化背景的理解上,如:著名的心理惊悚片“seven”.这部影片讲述的是一个疯狂的凶手自认上帝,围绕天主教七大死罪的惩戒逐条杀人的犯罪故事.Seven这个在宗教上非常神秘的数字,在这部电影中也处处得到体现,但是如果影片名译为简单的一个“七”字,中国观众绝不会产生同样的文化联想和认同,所以影片公映时译为《七宗罪》,点明故事主线和seven最为主要的宗教寓意.可谓文化价值体现的经典范例.“One Flew over theCuckoo’s Nest”直译为“飞越杜鹃窝的人”,其实“Cuckoo'sNest”在英语里是“精神病院”的意思,因而“飞越疯人院”这个译名更为准确传神地体现了原片名和影片本身的真谛.在适应中国观众的文化需求上,如,The Spiderman译成“蜘蛛侠”正是迎合了中国人对“侠”字的理解.再如出现的许多四字影片名翻译及典型的带有中国特色文化的翻译也正体现了中国人传统的文化韵味.另外一个例子就是刚刚获得奥斯卡最佳影片的《老无所依》,它的英文译名是《No Country for Old Men》,乃是源自19世纪初英国著名诗人济慈的诗作《驶向拜占庭》(Sailing to Byzantium),意思直译为是“没有适合老年人的国度”,电影里讲的正开始不胜邪的开始,老人代表的是传统的,正确的价值观,正义的力量如果译者当时不知道这层意思,就很容易翻译错误.Bathing Beauty——出水芙蓉,The Wizard of Oz——绿野仙踪,The Italian Job——偷天换日,Catch me if you can——逍遥法外,Dances with Wolves——与狼共舞,Red Shoes——红菱艳,等,影片名的翻译都体现了这一点.
2 从中文角度出发
首当其冲便属《魂断蓝桥》.《魂断蓝桥》英文原名为"Waterloo Bridge”.直译“滑铁卢桥”.译为“魂断蓝桥”取意中国传统黄梅戏折子戏《蓝桥会》.《蓝桥会》讲了一个凄美的爱情故事,正合了Waterloo Bridge里男女主人公的不幸遭遇.因此,影片译为《魂断蓝桥》不仅体现了影片的主要内容,而且蕴含了中国文化.一举两得.
1.Proceed from western angle
On the understanding of western culture background,for instance:Famous psychological horror film " seven ".Whom the film tell think God,centre on Catholicism seven major crime story of murder one by one of discipline of capital of fence one crazy murderer.This very mysterious figure on the religion of Seven,is reflected in this film everywhere too,but if film name translate simple one " seven " word into,Chinese audience can never produce cultural Lenovo equally and admit,so the film is translated the thread of story and seven mainest religious implied meaning into " seven crimes ".May well be termed the classical example that cultural value reflects." One Flew over theCuckoo sNest " mean " insane asylum " in English,this translated name has reflected the original name and true essence of film catching the spirit accurately even more to " flew over the madhouse ".In meet Chinese at the cultural demand of audience,for instance,The Spiderman translate into " whether spider chivalrous " exactly cater to Chinese's understanding of " chivalrous " word.A lot of four word film famous interpreter and typical with culture of distinct Chinese characteristics interpreter that appear for another example reflect traditional cultural sophisticated appeals of Chinese too.Another example is to just get " not always depending on " of the best picture of Oscar,its English translated name is " No Country for Old Men " ,The poem of Keats,famous poet of Britain," drove towards Byzantine " (Sailing to Byzantium) to stem from the beginning of the 19th century,the literal translation of meaning is " country not suitable for the elderly ",what spoke was beginning very evil beginning in the film,the representatives of old men are traditional,correct values,the strength of justice if translators did not know this layer of meaning at that time,translate the mistake very easily.Bathing Beauty --The lotus flower when fully open,The Wizard of Oz --The Wizard of Oz,The Italian Job --Distort the truth by despicable means,Catch me if you can --At large,Dances with Wolves --Dance with wolf,Red Shoes --Red water chestnut is gaudy,wait,translations of the film names have all reflected this.
2.Proceed from Chinese angle
It will be that the Olympic Games of China will be annual in 2008,it is a key year of Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges too.The film,as an important component of culture,must be the indispensable important part of cultural exchanges.The translation of a film is no doubt important,but more important as the translation of film topic of shop front of the film.In fact,have many English film Chinese of name translate,embody strong Chinese culture mean just.
It belongs to " Waterloo Bridge " to stand in the breach." Waterloo Bridge " English call " Waterloo Bridge " originally.Literal translation " bridge of Waterloo ".Translate into " Waterloo Bridge " and derive from the China traditional Huangmei Opera highlights from operas " the blue bridge is known "."bridges blue will "last one piece sadly beautiful love story,last men and women the experiences unfortunates of protagonist at Waterloo Bridge.So,the film is translated into the main content that " Waterloo Bridge " has not merely reflected the film,and contain Chinese culture.Kill two birds with one stone.
" sex-trap " is translated by another Chinese of filling with Chinese culture." sex-trap " is one of " the thirty-six strategems " as everyone knows.The film " sex-trap " is translated from the American film " Notorious ".Notorious is a very ordinary English word,it is " notorious,notorious " to mean.Plotline of film is the daughter of original German spy John,the hospitable,pleasant profit utilizes father's relation to squeeze into inferiorly inside Nazi,utilize the marriage relation to succeed in stealing the story that enemy's information served motherland.This is that one has suspense,has beauties,has spy's feelings,film with love,translate into " sex-trap ",among them country's cultural intension is self-evident.