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英语作文 龟兔赛跑 需要一篇过去式的,最好在10月24日前提交.(最好有翻译)急需啊!尽量短一点,越短分数越高.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 05:42:55
英语作文 龟兔赛跑
After the tortoise than the rabbit said, proud of all the animals do not post. Some people say it, it is proud to say: "even the legs of rabbits but I have run, what do you count?"
Rabbit unconvinced everyday practice run, a decision再跟turtle Yijuecixiong. Training for a few days, rabbits in the "Forest Journal," to the war on the turtle. Turtle accepted.
Unwittingly race that day, turtles and rabbits are standing on the starting line. With the "bang" sound of rabbits and turtles are out of the starting line, and soon, the rabbit would Shuaixia the tortoise, the lead.
Rabbit Bozhaobozhao suddenly heard shouting "help" the sound of a rabbit stopped, only a small Lark fell into the sea, has been quick to die, rabbits think: not refusing. Will not hesitate to jump into the river, although the river is not deep, fast-flowing, rabbits will not waterborne, it can only small Lark difficult to travel to. It so happened that can run from waterborne the tortoise, rabbit busy shouting: "turtle, Come Back on the Skylark." Turned a deaf ear turtle, I thought: If I go into the sea will be lost rabbits, no doors! End also want to run again. Rabbit had rescued a small Lark, which has wasted a lot of time, rabbits rush farewell small Lark, Batuijiubo.
When the rabbit get to the end, the host elephant Baba is pegged to the turtle medals? Turtle see rabbits, proudly said: "Who let more nosy, deserves!" Was exactly at that time, sounded a loud voice: "medal should belong to the rabbit!" This is small Skylark. Qi asked why everyone, small Lark to the situation have said Yiwuyishi out. "Yes, the rabbit should be a first!" "Gold medal to the rabbit!"…… Elephant Baba nodded, and the gold medal to hang rabbit.
Finally turtle with a high low in the first
经过乌龟比兔子说,骄傲所有的动物不要张贴.有人说,它是自豪地说: “即使是兔腿,但我看,你怎么指望? ”
兔信服日常实践来看,决定再跟乌龟Yijuecixiong .训练了几天,兔子的“森林日报” ,战争的海龟.龟背接受.
兔Bozhaobozhao突然听到喊“帮助”的声音停止兔,只有一小云雀坠入海中,已快死了,兔子想:不能拒绝.将毫不犹豫地跳进河里,河水虽然不深,快速流动,兔子不会水性,它只能小云雀难以前往.偏巧,可以从水的乌龟,兔忙喊道: “乌龟,回来的云雀. ”充耳不闻乌龟,我想:如果我进入大海将失去兔子,没有门!为此也想再次运行.兔救出了一个小云雀,这白白浪费了时间,兔子匆忙告别小云雀, Batuijiubo .
当兔子去年底,东道国大象巴巴挂钩海龟金牌?甲鱼见兔子,自豪地说: “是谁,让更多管闲事,值得! ”正是在那个时候,发出了响亮的声音: “金牌应该属于兔子! ”这是小云雀.齐问,为什么每个人,小云雀的局势表示Yiwuyishi了. “是啊,兔子应该是第一次! ” “金牌兔! ” ... ...大象巴巴点点头,金牌挂兔.