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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/04 06:23:12
向警予是我党最早的女党员之一,被誉为“我国妇女运动的先驱”.1919年她与蔡畅等组织湖南女子留法勤工俭学会,为湖南女界勤工俭学运动的首创者.1921年底向警予回国,不久她便加入了中国共产党.在党的第二次全国代表大会上,担 任党中央第一任妇女部长,开始领导中国最早的无产阶级妇女运动.她还为党中央妇女部起草了许多重要指导文件,撰写了大量论述妇女运动的文章,培养了大批妇女工作干部,在妇女解放运动史上作出了不可磨灭的贡献.大革命失败后,党的大部分领导同志先后转移,向警予主动要求留在武汉,坚持地下斗争.1928年3月20日,由于叛徒的出卖,她不幸被捕.敌人三番五次对她审讯和毒打,但她坚贞不屈,对于党的秘密一字不供,表现了共产党人的崇高气节和优秀品质.国民党反动派决定在5月1日,这个全世界工人阶级的节日里杀害她.向警予视死如归,沿途向广大群众进行讲演.敌人对此极端恐惧,宪兵们凶殴她,想使她不再说话,但她仍然滔滔地讲下去,因此他们在她嘴里塞着石头,又用皮带缚住她的双颊,街上许多人看了都哭泣起来.向警予被押赴余记里空坪刑场,英勇牺牲
XiangJingYu is one of the earliest women members of our party,known as the pioneer of Chinese women's movement.In 1919,she and the state organizations such as hunan women part-time work for hunan women,which sport.XiangJingYu back end soon,1921,she joined the communist party of China.In the second national congress of the CPC,as the first secretary of women,leading the earliest Chinese proletariat,the women's movement.She is FuNvBu drafting committee has many important guiding document,the women's movement,the article discusses the training of cadres in women,working women liberation movement has made an indelible contribution.After the failure of revolution leading comrades of the transfer,XiangJingYu asks successively in wuhan,adhere to the underground struggle.In 1928,on March 20,because a traitor sold,she was unhappy.The enemy,"for three transgressions of her five times,but her beaten and trial,the secret to give in a word,the communist party for the lofty moral integrity and good quality.The kuomintang reactionaries decided on May 1,this world working-class holiday killed her.Along the way,XiangJingYu death to the masses of lecture.The enemy to the extreme fear,were held to make her evil talk,she no longer,but she still argue about them,so in her mouth with a stone,and strap her cheeks,the many people saw all cry together.XiangJingYu was marched to the more empty ping execution,remember died bravely