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急求一片讲艺术史的英语作文 大学水平 最好带汉译!

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 10:03:08
急求一片讲艺术史的英语作文 大学水平 最好带汉译!
What is my eyes of contemporary art and contemporary art? Compared with the traditional art is different and the superiority of the (Modern)? Description and expression of contemporary art is contemporary living conditions, cultural identity and position, and make analysis of the expression of the narrative process. To understand this concept, first of all should be positioned in the contemporary era, namely the outstanding art, contemporary is a "historical" resection of transverse section, cut off the "history", "the past", and the negative focus "today", worship today. Times have changed, everything will change. Material items have changed, the spirit of the culture and art to change, art should reflect "with when all is new". We do not pursue the past, not the past pure realism, pure pursuit of technology, but should be in the art of giving a epoch-making concept, a kind of social practical issues, like Fang Lijun said, "now the essence of artists should understand the artistic problems, namely for art, you don't have the future of art history to accept, that is white. How can you leave a space for one person in the future, the history of art, it can only show the modern works." Say so, show contemporary, with tradition, has become the contemporary artists to pursue something, compared to contemporary art and traditional painting, there are a lot of difference and this is also the advantage of contemporary art. In terms of its artistic features, modern and contemporary art has no fixed form, and uncertain and rheology and picture tends to produce a new semantic symbol, resulting in enhanced contingency, diversity of the picture. So from the picture effect, than the traditional realistic painting single to richer. In addition, the uncertainty of modern life condition, the uncertainty of cultural identity, as well as to the society, self doubt, fuzzy on national culture, position consciousness. Such a state is reflected in the works, works with the reality and highly critical. For example, the cultural revolution is not identity, and criticism of the Communist Utopia pursuit, including the current about Christmas in China want to resist, to study the ten Philosophy Department of Beijing University, school students in an online petition against the spread of post foreign festival in China, the national culture identity is this a modern, for such social realistic problem, contemporary art can pass an entry point for reflection and thinking, make their own reading. Contemporary painter in the painting a portrait, with the traditional realism focuses on faithful description of the object, to the pursuit of spirit is different, their concern is not like a problem, but the works is it right? Has the problem of modernity, such as Fang Lijun, Yue Minjun, Wang Guangyi, Zhang Xiaogang et al. Painted portraits are symbolic, they will be content to, only symbols and concepts, it can be all of them, they want to express is a common but not personality, is to modern is a kind of special semantic symbol concept.

我眼中的当代艺术当代艺术到底是什么?它与传统艺术相比有什么不同及优越性(现代性)呢?当代艺术描绘及表达的是当代人的生活状态、文化身份及立场,并对此作出分析性的叙事过程的表达.要理解这个概念,首先应定位在当代,即突出艺术的时代性,当代性是一种切除“历史”的横切面,切去“历史”,否定“过去”,而专注“当今”,崇拜当今.时代变了,一切也要跟着变.物质器物变了,精神性的文化艺术也要变,艺术应该体现出“与时俱新”.我们追求的不是过去,不是过去纯粹的写实,纯粹的追求技术,而是应在艺术中赋予一种具有时代性的观念,一种对社会现实问题的关注,就像方力钧说的那样,“现在的艺术家们应认清艺术问题的本质,即对艺术来讲,你不受到将来艺术史的接纳,那就是白忙活.如何能在将来艺术史上留下一席之地,那惟有表现出作品的现代性.”所以说,表现出当代性,与传统不同,就成了当代艺术家们追求的东西,当代艺术与传统绘画相比,有很多的不同之处而这也正是当代艺术的优越之处. 就其艺术特征来看,现当代艺术具有不固定的形态,而形态和画面的不确定及流变往往会产生一种新的语义符号,造成画面的偶然性、多样性的增强.这样从画面的效果来看,要比传统写实油画单一性来的丰富的多.此外,现代人生活状态的不确定,文化身份的不确定,以及对社会、自身的怀疑,对民族文化、立场意识的模糊.这样的一种状态反映在作品中,使作品具有很强的现实性及批判性.比如对文革的不认同,以及对共产主义乌托邦式的追求的批判,包括当前的关于圣诞节在中国要不要受抵制的问题,以北大等名校的十名哲学系的研究生在网上联名发帖抵制洋节在中国的蔓延,这个就是一个现代人对本民族文化的认同问题,对于这样社会现实性的问题,当代艺术就能通过一个切入点进行反映和思考,做出自己的读解.现当代画家在画一个人像时,与传统写实专注于对对象的忠实描述,以追求形神兼备不同,他们关注的不是像不像的问题,而是作品中是不是具有现代性的问题,比如方力钧、岳敏君、王广义、张晓刚等人画得人像都具有符号性,他们将内容抽空,只剩下符号和概念,它可以是所有人,他们要表达的是共性而不是个性,是以现代为观念的一种特殊的语义符号.