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get on;get off;get up;get to有什么区别?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 10:58:13
get on;get off;get up;get to有什么区别?
get on:
1.上(车船等);eg.Where did you get on?
2.进展情况,(健康,生活等)情况和get along意思相近;eg.How are you getting on?
3.相处得好;eg.How are you getting on with your friend.
get off;
1.下车;They got off the bus and walked away.
2.(飞机)起飞;The plane got off on time.
get up;
get to;to是介词,后接动名词
Lying in bed,I got to thinking how nice I would start a new life .