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_____number of the visitors were shocked by_______ number of

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 19:19:15
_____number of the visitors were shocked by_______ number of the butterflies around the huge tree.
A.A; a B.A; the C.The; a D.The; the
_____the buildings were knocked down in the tsunamis in Indonesia
A.A great many
B.A mumber of
C.A great many of
D.A great deal of
1.前一题应该比较没争议,但强调一下,”a number of”虽可以翻译为”许多”,但更应该翻译成”一些”.
2.后一题如果选A,那题目的句子应去掉”the”成为”A great many
buildings were….”;而题目的”buildings”是可数名词,显然不能用D的”Agreat deal of”(只能用在不可数名词);答案B与C虽然都也可翻译为”许多”,但B的强烈程度不如C(见前面1的说明),所以如果有前后文来比对,才能说B或C哪个对,换个说法答案C表达了灾情惨重,答案B则表示是有”一些”房屋被冲倒.