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英语短文改错It is no easy way to learn a language 1A good memory i

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 16:54:35
It is no easy way to learn a language 1
A good memory is a great help .so 2
it is not enough onlg to remember rule 3
from a grammer of book .Its not much use 4
learning words by heat .study the dictionary 5
and so on.we must learn by using the 6
language.learn my practise is a piece 7
of good advice for those we learning 8
a new language.we must practise to speak 9
and writing is as much possible as we can 10
最擅长的就是改错和单选题了1.It 改为 There there is 表示 有 那几位网友都错了,真怀疑你们有没有学过english2.so改为but3.rule 改为rules4.去掉of5.study后面加ing6.全行正确7.learn加ing8.去掉we9.楼主你是不...