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英语翻译1.我们先去看熊猫吧 /为什么不先看企鹅呢?/你为什么不先看老虎呢?/ 我们可以先看长颈鹿吗?/ 我们先看 狮子

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 07:20:14
1.我们先去看熊猫吧 /为什么不先看企鹅呢?/你为什么不先看老虎呢?/ 我们可以先看长颈鹿吗?/ 我们先看 狮子怎么样?2.好主意 3.他喜欢海豚,因为他们有点可爱.(2种) 4.那个鞋店有各种各样的鞋.5.他的妈妈不喜欢这种花,它太难看了.5.大象对我们很友善.6.你最喜欢的动物是什么?(2种)7.我最喜欢的动物是树袋熊,因为他们很聪明.(2种) 8.狮子来自南非.(2种) 9.我的叔叔在中国南方的一个城市工作.10.你喜欢其他什么动物?11.你还有其他什么事要做?(2种) 12.我有两个姐姐,一个是老师,另一个是医生.13.他可能还要在这儿呆两天.14.在公园里有很多人,一些在唱歌,一些在跳舞.15.这儿有很多书,一些是给老师的,其余的是给学生的.16.我们应该帮助别人.17.汤姆懒惰,玛丽也懒惰.(2种) 18.他不喜欢吃肉,我也不喜欢.19.Molly是一只12岁大的大象,他喜欢和他的朋友一起玩耍.20.在那个小山上有很多的小草.21.Ling Ling非常漂亮,但也非常害羞,因此请保持安静.22.-----难道你不能和我一起去吗?-----不,我能.-------难道老虎不友好吗?----- 是的,他们不友好.23.他白天睡觉,但他晚上起来吃树叶.一片树叶/ 两片树叶 一把小刀 /两把小刀 一只狼 / 两只狼 24.躺在草地上是一件很惬意的事.晚饭后,汤姆通过看电视来放松.25.你为什么来这儿?(2种) 26.那部电影很有趣,你有兴趣看吗?27.绵阳有很多名胜古迹.28.那个小女孩喜欢在家里阅读和写作.29.他有时步行上学.他们将在这儿呆一些时间.那部电影我已看过几次了.下周的某个时候我将到你家去.30 .一项工作(2种) 31.学习第一.
We first see a panda now! / Why do not you look at the penguins do? / Why do not you look at the tiger? / We can look at a giraffe? / We look at how kind of lion? (2) a good idea. He likes dolphins, because they are a bit cute. (2) That shoe has a variety of shoes. His mother does not like the flowers, it is hard to read. 5 elephants are very friendly to us. What is your favorite animal? (Two kinds) 7. My favorite animal is the koala, because they are very clever. (Two kinds) 8. Lion from South Africa. (2) 9. My uncle, a city in southern China. 10 you like, what other animal? 11 There are other things to do? (2 kinds) 12. I have two sisters, one a teacher, another is a doctor. 13 He may have to stay here for two days. 14 There are many people in the park, some singing, some dancing. 15 there are many books, some to the teacher, the rest of the students. 16 We should help others. 17 Tom lazy, Mary is also lazy. (Two kinds) 18. He does not like to eat meat, I do not like. 19 to Molly is a 12-year-old elephant, he likes to play with his friends. 20 in that hill a lot of grass. 21 Ling Ling, a very beautiful, but also very shy, so please keep quiet. 22 ----- Do you not and I go with you? ----- No, I can. ------- Is Tiger unfriendly? ----- Yes, they are unfriendly. 23 during the day and sleep at night, but he up and eat the leaves. A leaf / two leaves a knife / two knife wolf / two wolves 24. Lying on the grass is a very pleasant thing. After dinner, Tom to relax by watching TV. 25 Why are you here? (Two kinds) 26. That movie is very interesting, you interested? 27 There are many places of interest in Mianyang. 28 little girl like reading and writing at home. 29 He sometimes walked to school. They will stay here for some time. That movie I have seen several times. Sometime next week I will come to your house. 30. A work (two kinds) 31. To learn first.