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英语翻译For one of Emerson’s most fundamental and frequently rec

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 11:20:33
For one of Emerson’s most fundamental and frequently recurring ideas is that of a “great nature in which we rest as the earth lies in the soft arms of the atmosphere,”an “Over-Soul,within which every man’s particular being is contained and made one with all other,”which“evermore tends to pass into our thought and hand and become wisdom and virtue and power and beauty.”This is the perfection which is ours by divine intention---that Emerson holds out when he asks us to submit us to ourselves and to all instructive influences.
Nature,which he says“is loved by what is best in us,”is all about us,inviting our perception of its remotest and most cosmic principles by surrounding us with its simpler manifestations.“A man does not tie his shoe without recognizing laws which bind the farthest regions of nature.”Thus man“carries the worlds in his head.”Whether he be a great scientist,providing by his discovery of a sweeping physical law that he has some such constructive sense as that which guides the universe,or whether he be a poet beholding trees as “imperfect men,”who“seem to bemoan their imprisonment,rooted in the ground,”he is being brought into his own by perceiving“the virtue and pungency of the influence on the mind of material objects,whether inorganic or organized.”
Ranging over time and space with astonishing rapidity and binding names and things together that no ordinary vision could connect,Emerson calls the Past also to witness the need of self-reliance and a steadfast obedience to intuition.The need of such independence,he thought,was particularly great for the student,who so easily becomes overawed by the geat names of the Past and reads“to believe and take for granted.”This should not be,nor can it be if we remember what we are.when we sincerely find,therefore,that we cannot agree with the Past,then,says Emerson,we must break with it,no matter how great the prestige of its messengers.But ofen the Past does not disappoint us;ofen it assists us in our quest to become our highest selves.For in the Past there have been many men of genius;and,inasmuch as the man of genius has come nearer to being continually conscious of his relation to the Over-Soul,it follows that the genius is actually more ourselves than we are.So we ofen have to fall back upon more gifted souls to interpret for us what we mean but cannot say .Any supreme triumph of expression,therefore,should arouse in us not humility,still less discouragement,but renewed consciousness that “one nature wrote and the same reads.”So it is in travel or in any other form of contact with the Past:we cannot derive any profits or see any new thing except we remember that“the world is nothing,the man is all.”
一艾默生最根本的,而且经常反复出现的想法是一个"伟大的性质,在这方面我们的休息,因为地球的关键在软武器的气氛" ,"过度的灵魂,使每个人的福祉,特别是载,并提出一个与其他所有" ,"永中,往往要通过融入我们的思想和手,并成为智慧和美德与力量之美" ,这是完善,这是我们的神圣意图---艾默生举行时,他叫我们向我们自己和所有有启发性的影响.
自然,他说,"被爱是由什么是最好的,在我们" ,是所有关于我们,并邀请我们的感觉,它的最遥远和最宇宙原则,由周边向我们简单,其表现的"男人不配合他的鞋子,没有认识到法律其中约束最远的地区性" ,因此男人" ,载有世界上在他的脑袋有问题" ,他是否是一个伟大的科学家,由他发现的一个笼统的物理法说,他有一些这样的建设性意义,因为这是指导宇宙或者他是否是一个诗人看见了树,为"完美的男人" ,他们"似乎哀叹自己的入狱,扎根于地面,"他是被带进自己所感知的"德治和辣味的影响,对心目中的材料物体,无论是无机或有组织的" .
测距在时间和空间与惊人的速度和有约束力的名字和在一起,这不是一般的眼光才能连接,艾默生电话过去,也见证了必要的自力更生,艰苦奋斗,坚定服从intuition.the需要这种独立性,他的思想,是特别大的学生,他们如此轻易成为overawed由geat姓名的过去和写着"相信并视为理所当然的" ,这不应该,也不能被如果我们记得我们are.when我们真诚地找到因此,我们不能同意过去,然后说,艾默生,我们必须打破有了它,不管有多么大的威信,其messengers.but ofen过去并不令我们失望; ofen它协助我们,在我们谋求成为我们的最高selves.for在过去有很多男人的天才和,因为该名男子的天才已经接近正在不断意识到他的关系,以过度的灵魂,这意味着天才,其实更多的自己比我们are.so我们ofen已回落后,更天才的灵魂诠释,为我们我们的意思,但不能说,任何最高人民法院凯旋的表达,因此,应该引起我们不谦卑,更不是灰心丧气,但续约意识,才使"一大自然撰写并同时行文" ,所以它是在旅行或在其他任何形式的接触与过去:我们不能获得任何利润或看到任何新的东西,除非我们记住:"世界是什么,该名男子是所有