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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 00:40:14
中午12点10分从 上海浦东机场 飞往 海口美兰机场
晚上我们去了 板桥海鲜广场 吃大排挡,听人说那个是"海口一绝",也确实绝了,左边是菜市场,右边是大排挡,一进去就有好多女的上来拉客,环境不太好,不过海鲜的价格是超便宜的.
July 1, 2008
12:10 From Shanghai Pudong International Airport to fly to Haikou Meilan Airport
15:30 to reach the sea, take the airport bus to reach the new Aosiluoke Haikou City Hotel, contact the airport a good travel agent.
Night we went to plaza to eat seafood Itabashi stand, heard people say that it was "an absolutely mouth," indeed no way out, the left is a vegetable market on the right is the stand, a woman went up there a lot of soliciting, the environment is not very good, but the price of seafood is super cheap.
Because the uncle former classmates to do in Hainan university professors, so students who also took us to the sea uncle Tali turn full circle in the evening the sea was pretty big also very lively, and thus ended the first day of Hainan.
经过琼海市的时候,导游带我们去了万泉河漂流,那个漂流一点也不刺激,而且还很可恶,因为漂流时有人 打水仗 ,建议以后大家去玩一定换上
导服,带好伞,不然的话就会全身遭殃.从万泉河的 鳌强码头 坐船过去,就到了玉带滩,远远望过去,一条土黄色的带子分隔了绿色的河水和蓝色的天空,再过去就能见到大海了,站在玉带滩上,能感受到三个不同"一咸一淡`一静一动`一蓝一绿",左手大海右手万泉河,很美的景致.
下午我们到了位于陵水与万宁交界的牛岭,再那儿坐汽艇到了在海上不远处的 分界洲岛 ,在那里舅舅一家去海里潜水,因为我的身体不适合潜水,所以只好去坐了半潜艇,至于老妈就留在了岸上看行李.下午4点我们离开牛岭前往三亚市,晚上入住三亚市的亚龙湾 五号度假宾馆.
July 2, 2008
Today, sunny, but very few cloudy days in Hainan rain weather. Early in the morning tour guide came to meet us on the camp, and because it is an uncle and I `I Met Your Mother a total of six people, so our group of families in a small group tour , travel agents to send to us an Refine station wagon in the morning 9:00 we are starting from Haikou to Sanya, the southernmost city of progress.
After Qionghai time, tour guides took us to the Wanquan drift, that is nothing to stimulate the drift, and very abominable, because the drift when it was a water fight, the proposed change into the future we must play
Guide service, with a good umbrella, otherwise the body will suffer. Wanquanhe Ngau from the boat pier strong the past, they arrive at a Yudai Tan, well look in the past, a khaki-colored tape separated the green river and blue sky , and then in the past will be able to see the sea, and stood on the Yudai Tan, can feel the three different "a salt a short` a `a static one blue one green movement," left the sea right Wanquan, beautiful scenery.
Afternoon we reached the junction at Lingshui cattle with the Mannings Ridge, and then sat in a motorboat to the sea not far from the boundaries of islands, where an uncle to sea diving, because my body is not suitable for diving, so we can only Quzuo the Semi-submarine, as mother to stay in the shore looking luggage. 16:00 we left the cattle range to Sanya City in the evening stay at the Yalong Bay in Sanya City on the 5th resort hotels.
第二站我们去看了天下第一龙砚,中午在素斋馆吃了自助餐.下午去看了海边的大观音,然后赶往 天涯海角风景区 ,其实就去看了两块石头,一块叫"天涯",一块叫"海角",在海边我们一路拣了好多贝壳,那边的贝壳海螺之类的比较丰富,像大东海或是亚龙湾的海滩就太干净了,几乎什么都没有.在天涯海角的海滩边我们还拉上来一只不明生物,身体半透明,感觉是海蜇又像是水母,而且还有8只触角,蛮奇怪的,有好多人围上来看呢!
July 3, 2008
At 8 o'clock we set out for the Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone. Nanshan There are three National Treasures: Kim Yu Guanyin `best in the world Long Yan` Sea Goddess of Mercy.
Nanshan Guanyin icon of the sea 108 meters high, Ling Po stands the sea 120 meters in diameter Diamond Island (Goddess of Mercy Island) on the. Like the body as being the integration of three modeling Guanyin, Po-phase solemn, pedal 108 Lotus the throne, tour guides say that Guan Yin is the material from the manufacture of aircraft, in order to combat wind erosion, but many people think that is a white marble to do so. At the park entrance there is a special sightseeing car, sightseeing car tour can be seated, and the garden of part has a ticket and parking spots.
Our first stop was longevity Valley, is actually a hill, along the tree of many of these signs:
60-year-old for his sixtieth year, ear-shun of the year, home-going of the years; 70-year-old as the seventies of the year, the battle-nation years; 77-year-old known as "hi-shou"; 80-year-old battle of the year for North Korea; 80 the age of eight known as "m-shou"; 90-year-old is a ripe old age; a hundred-year period of amusement. the way down the mountain in Hainan is also covered with longevity, like the elderly, including place known as Tang Yang-ning's, who is 87 years old When remarriage, and his wife gave birth to two children and a woman, but amazing.
The second stop we went to see the best in the world Long Yan, plain room of Hall at noon to eat buffet. The afternoon went to see the big sea Goddess of Mercy, and then rushed to the ends of the earth scenic spot, in fact, go read the two stones, one called " Tianya, "one called" Cape "in the way we picked a lot of sea shells, conch shells and the other side of the class are more diverse, like the beaches of Yalong Bay on the East China Sea, or too clean, almost nothing. in the The beach ends of the earth we have La Shanglai an unknown biological, physical translucent, you will feel like a jellyfish jellyfish again, but there are eight tentacles, quite strange, there are a lot of people look at it surrounded!
July 4, 2008
Up early today, and we go to the beach side of Yalong Bay swim. Early in the morning sun on the burning, and put on bathing suits on the next Hella, I will not swim before they do not want to go, Mom gave me a full ideological work, I decided to try. I am afraid that water is a reason: In my sixth grade, when the summer vacation and students go to Water World swimming, the results of one foot into the deep pool, that is okay who promptly pulled out. awful things sometimes think of this body still cold sweat. I said to myself with great reluctance, looking like waves one by one, where the waves of the East China Sea waves than large multi-do! toward the beach, but still close, uncle and sister ran into the sea long ago, told me to quickly go and watch them swim further and further away, then I do not know how suddenly filled with Yi Gu inexplicable impulse, I ran into the water, and then you have not seen sea legs, and then the thigh, to the first one there has been no floating ball into the abdomen, and one hit another wave came, I would really mind a blank grabbed the ball floating bolt rope to move forward, why her sister can swim so far? I have in the past! Then came a super big wave hit, I did not stand firm, sank, choking a few mouthfuls of sea water is really salty ah. then came a wave hit just float my drift away from the Okanagan rope, if the drift the far point, really Meizhe of, and next to no one ah. my hands and feet to keep the ball rolling with water, and finally the moment when the waves hit the first captured Flanagan straw ... ...
And then unsteadily to slowly crawl back into the body on the beach, body limp ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ good insurance a good insurance if I could swim like a, it should be going to learn how to swim, I also one wants to study, so we thought such a contradiction. Such an outcome is clearly again and again to go swimming again times in order to end flooded.
This has ended, the next tour would be if I do not know when, maybe another five years after the bar.
The afternoon we will return to the sea, and along the road we went to the "one product coconut" company, bought some local product. And then buy some fruit and the like, and then rush to the airport. Back when we booked a large aircraft China Eastern Airlines aircraft I feel indeed comfortable than the small aircraft, and flight attendants are so beautiful to say ^ _ ^