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阅读英语短文1.The old saying goes,"You never get a second chance t

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 22:10:29
1.The old saying goes,"You never get a second chance to make a first impression."The statement could notbe more correct.Did you know your first impression starts with your eyes?It's true that most people look you in the eye upon the first glance.The eyes can give people much information about you.So keep your eyes fresh at all times.This is important to remember.
2.All night parties don't help your eye area.They'll leave you with puffy eyes,bags under the eyes,and even dark circles under the eyes.This also gives people the impression you live an unhealthy lifestyle.Sleep is the most important part of keeping your eyes fresh.
3.Drinking water also plays a part in keeping the eyes fresh.Just like your body runs on water,your eyes do also,to a degree.Try to drink enough water per day in order to keep the eye area healthy.
4.Also,you can eat right to make sure your eyes are healthy.Fruits,vegetables,and nuts all contain antioxidants,which are important to not only your overall well-being,but to skin rejuvenation under the eyes.Fill your body with the right fuel to increase the power of the eye area and you'll be on your way to looking healthy and energetic.
The eyes,like it or not,are judged by people.Red eyes give the impression of alcoholism,and puffy eyes give the message that you party too much and don't get much sleep.Be sure to take proper care of your eyes,because as the old saying goes"you never get a second chance to make a first impression."
1.The perpose of the passage is to( ).
A.show the importance of keeping eyes fresh
B.introduce the ways of making a good first impression
C.tell readers the necessity of protecting eyes
D.call on readers to take proper care of their eyes.
2.What's the main idea of Paragrath
A.All night parties are an unhealthy lifestyle
B.Not having enough sleep is the main reason for making bad impressions.
C.A good rest at night is an important way of keeping eyes fresh
D.Puffy eyes give people bad impressions
3.To keep eyes fresh,you should( )
A.never go to parties at night
B.have foods rich in antioxidants
C.drink as much water as possible every day
D.combine a balanced diet with proper daily exercise
4.How is the passage organized?