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英语翻译 乔治六世无论放到何时都是一个标准的帅哥,笔挺而细长,坚毅的面孔,充满了英伦男性外表上的所有优点,却是一个内心脆

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/01 21:58:00
 乔治六世无论放到何时都是一个标准的帅哥,笔挺而细长,坚毅的面孔,充满了英伦男性外表上的所有优点,却是一个内心脆弱的人.他注定是一个悲剧人物,在历史交替的时刻走上王位,纳粹德国拥有全世界最善于激情派演讲法的狂热分子希特勒,而美国的迅速崛起也使得英国从此丧失了主宰世界的话语权,直到现在,多少年的力挽狂澜也无法阻止英国的持续衰落,而这一切的开始就在乔治六世的时代,就算他是一位英明神武的天赐君主,也不过就是把英国衰落的开端拖晚个几年而已.在这样的历史背景下,他的口吃就显得更为戏剧性.而我觉得影片最动人的一幕,Bertie和Logue在威敏教堂中的那一段争吵,一个自信的小人物和一位不自信的大人物,这就是两人的区别,Logue很坦然地说出自己不是doctor,而Bertie却害怕后人会称他为Mad King George,the stammer.如果说人生是一场戏的话,成功与否无非就在于你能否胜任这一生的角色,国王也好,Duke of York也好,语言障碍辅导教师也好,妻子也好,海军上将也好,我们恐惧不过是怕自己无法胜任,怕自己不够优秀,而这一位小时候口吃,左撇子,腿有麻痹的国王却还是在这样一个艰难的时刻接过了这个悲情的角色,这不能不说是一种勇敢.这故事中的很多细节都来源于Lionel Logue的日记,而小说其实早就成型,只是乔治六世的妻子,那位一直活到2002年的现任女王的母亲请求这个故事一定要在她死后才可以被放上荧幕,因为这一段过往对于她和她的家人来说将是最痛苦的一段回忆,由此可想而知,这位脆弱的国王为此付出了多大的努力.这恐怕也就是英国王室的魅力之所在了.
Whenever,George VI was a typical handsome man,erect and slender,with resolute face,full of all the virtues of Britain men externally,but heart was fragile.He was doomed to be a tragic character,he ascended the throne in the history of alternating time,Nazi Germany owned the fanatics Hitler who was very good at passionate speech method in the world,and the rapid rise of the United States made England lose to dominate the world of discourse.Up to now,so many years to turn back the powers of darkness couldn't prevent Britain from continuing to decline,while it all began at George VI age,even he was a wise monarch of bliss,but also just pulled the beginning of Britain decline a few years later.In this history background,his stammer became more dramatic.But i feel the most touching scene of the movie,the quarreling between Bertie and Logue,a confident unimportant person and a diffident important person,this was the difference of them,Logue said he was not a doctor very frankly,but Bertie was afraid that futurity would call him Mad King George,the stammer.If life was a drama,success lies nothing but if you could be qualified for the role of a lifetime,the King or,the Duke of York or,language tutor or,wife or,Admiral or,what we were afraid of was that I couldn't be qualified,i was not good enough,but this King,who was stammer in his childhood,left hand,the leg had paralysis,took the role of tragedy in such difficult time,this was a kind of courage.Many details of this story rooted in Lionel Logue's note,but as the matter of fact,the novel early formed,just George VI 's wife,the Queen mother who lived to 2002 requested this story must be put on the screen after her death,because the period of the past would be one of the most painful of memories for her and her family,it can be thought from this,How much effort the fragile King had made for this.I'm afraid that this is where the British Royal Charm.