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英语翻译A Controlled Porosity Osmotic Pump System with Biphasic

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 09:12:07
A Controlled Porosity Osmotic Pump System with Biphasic Release of
Theophylline:Influence of Weight Gain on Its in Vivo Pharmacokinetics
It is well known that asthma is a respiratory disease with
apparent circadian variation in its pathogenesis.2,3) Human
peak expiratory flow rate (PEF),an important index to evaluate
ventilation functions of respiratory tract,4) decreases
gradually from afternoon and usually reaches its bathyphase
between midnight and morning3) and asthma attacks generally
become more and more severe with the decrease of PEF.
For nocturnal therapy of asthma,a drug delivery system with
a “slow-fast” release pattern may be preferable.After bedtime
administration,the system at first releases drug incorporated
within it at a reduced speed,thus a relatively low but effective
drug blood concentration may be maintained.At the
time between midnight and morning,drug release from the
system is promoted and drug blood concentration is then elevated
to counter-act the exacerbated asthma symptoms near
the PEF bathyphase.Thus,the biphasic drug delivery system
may synchronize drug blood concentration with the biological
requirements of asthma patients better than conventional
dosage forms and provide greater patient compliance.
Theophylline is an effective compound for the treatment of
asthma.Numerous articles had reported the chronotherapy of
asthma with theophylline,5,6) but drug delivery systems with
“slow-fast” theophylline release were seldom studied yet.
Freichel and Lippold7) described an oral erosion controlled
drug delivery system which could release theophylline with a
late burst 18 h after dissolution.To synchronize the burst
with PEF bathyphase,the system should be administrated at
morning.Because of the relatively high PEF at daytime,2) a
diurnal dose of theophylline may be not the best choice.Santus
and Baker8) devised an OROS® system with a biphasic
salbutamol releases,but,it exploited the unique solubility
characteristics of salbutamol and was not applicable for theophylline.
Thus,few drug delivery systems with “slow-fast”
theophylline release are available for the nocturnal therapy of asthma.
In our previous work,1) we developed successfully an osmotic
pump system with an in vitro “slow-fast” release of
theophylline.The purpose of this work is to investigate the
influence of the coating membranes thickness on the in vivo
pharmacokinetics characteristics of the developed system in
beagle dogs.
控制孔隙渗透泵系统的双相释放茶碱:影响体重增加,其在体内的药代动力学众所周知,哮喘是一种呼吸道疾病明显的昼夜变化在其发病机制.2)人呼气峰流速(呼气),一个重要的指标评价通风呼吸道功能,4)减少逐渐从下午通常达到其bathyphase在午夜和morning3)和哮喘发作一般越来越严重的减少呼气.夜间哮喘治疗,药物输送系统“快慢”释放模式可能是最好的.后就寝管理,系统首先发布药品注册在它的速度在减少,因此较低但有效血药浓度可维持.在时间在午夜和凌晨,药物释放的提升系统和药物血药浓度升高反行为的加剧哮喘症状附近呼气bathyphase.因此,双相药物传递系统可同步药物血浓度与生物哮喘患者比常规要求剂型和提供更大的病人遵守.茶碱是一种有效的治疗用化合物哮喘.许多文章报告的时辰哮喘茶碱,5 ,6)但药物输送系统“快慢”茶碱释放很少研究尚未.freichel和lippold7)描述了一个口服侵蚀控制药物输送系统,可释放茶碱与晚爆裂18小时后解散.同步脉冲呼气bathyphase,该系统应在早晨.由于相对高呼气在白天,2)一个日剂量茶碱可能不是最好的选择.santus和baker8)设计了一个山®系统与双相沙丁胺醇释放,但是,它利用独特的溶解度特点是不适用的茶碱沙丁胺醇和.因此,一些药物输送系统的“快慢”茶碱释放可用于夜间哮喘治疗.我们在以往的工作中,我们1)研制成功渗透泵系统与体外的“快慢”释放茶碱.这项工作的目的是探讨影响涂层膜厚度对体内药代动力学特性的开发系统猎兔犬.