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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 20:48:53
关键词:Mercy killing 英语口语 谢谢~~急啊~~~
Mercy killing是一个非常有争议的话题,首先我不同意Mercy killing,因为我觉得没有任何人有权利可以决定别人的生于死,哪怕是最亲的人,哪怕病人失去意识,哪怕病人没有任何希望.我们能做的就是不断鼓励病人并给予希望,尽管我们知道病人会承受许多痛苦,但无论如何生命只有一次,有些时候总会有奇迹出现,就算病人离开也是自然的,而不是由我们来结束.
Mercy killing is a very controversial topic.Firstly,I don't subject to Mercy killing,because I think nobody has the right to decide others' life,no matter he is the closest person,or the patient loses the consciousness,or the patient shows no hope.What we can do is encourage the patient and give him hope,though we know he will bear much pain,yet nobody owns life twice.There are possibilities that miracles occur,even if the patient leaves,it is natural,and shoudnot be ended by us.