作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 01:03:21
1. keep secrets/ a secret 保守秘密
2. have problems with … 在…方面有问题
3. an honest boy 一个诚实的男孩
4. make me happy / make him look smart 使我高兴/使他看起来聪明
5. be willing/ready to do sth 愿意做某事
6. have good/poor eyesight 视力好/不好
7. because of too much computer work 因为太多的电脑工作
8. have a good sense of humour 有很强的幽默感
9. feel bored 感到无聊
10. walk past the desks 走过桌子
11. knock over the books 撞翻书
12. knock it/them over 撞翻它/它们
13. know sb./sth. very well 非常了解某人 /某事
14. think of my true friend 想起我的真诚的朋友
15. worry me (主语sth) /worry about me(主语sb) 使我担心/担心我,为我担心
16. say a bad word about sb 说某人的坏话
17. be kind/nice/friendly to sb. 对某人友好
18. help people solve problems 帮人解决问题
19. try/do ones best to do sth=try(hard) to do sth 尽力做某事(4)
20. be happy/glad to do sth 高兴做某事
21. hope to do sth 希望去做某事
22. agree with sb./what sb. said 同意某人的意见/话
23. one of the nicest boys 一个最好的男孩
24. give sb some advice 给某人一些建议
25. wear/have a smile on ones face 脸上带着微笑
1. British/American English 英式/美式英语
2. in Year 8/Grade 8 /in 8th grade 在8年级
3. a mixed school 一所男女混合的学校
4. my favourite subject 我最喜爱的学科
5. cook healthy and tasty meals 煮健康而又可口的饭
6. near the end of sth /at the end of sth 在---将要/---结束的时候
7. drive sb to sp 开车送某人去某地
8. once/twice a month 一月一次/两次
9. spend a lot of time practicing 花大量时间实践与---谈论
10. talk to sb. about sth 跟某人谈论某事
11. enjoy sth a lot 很喜欢
12. many heroes 许多英雄/偶像
13. have a great time talking to each other 彼此交谈得愉快
14. at age 16 在16岁时
15. an unimportant language 一种不重要的语言
16. have the least money 有最少的钱
17. score the most / fewest points 得最高/低分
18. be the same as / be different from 与…相同/与…不同
19. be the same size/price/length as… 与…有同样的尺寸/价格/长度
20. have seven weeks off 有7天的假期
21. live four kilometers (away) from… 住在离……四千米的地方
22. a piece of news in the newspaper 报纸上的一则消息
23. go on a school trip to someplace 去某地举行一次学校旅行
24. finish reading the book 读完这本书
25. a bridge 100 meters in length 一座长100米的桥
1. need to exercise to keep fit / stay healthy 需要锻炼以保持健康
2. watch the sunset / sunrise 看日落/日出
3. take some photos 拍照片
4. take care / be careful (not ) to do sth 当心(别)做某事
5. play hide-and-seek 玩捉迷藏
6. keep ones secret to oneself 将秘密藏在某人心里
7. win the basketball final 赢得篮球决赛
8. a beautiful building with a big garden 有着大花园的漂亮建筑物
9. take place 举行
10. cheer for sb 为……喝彩
11. six square metres 六平方米
12. at the beginning/ end of sth 在---开始/结束时
13. look better than the real one 比真的看起来好多了
14. get on/off the coach 上/下长途汽车
15. on the city roads/ the highway 在城市道路/高速公路上
16. take the bus all the way to 一路乘汽车去……
17. be made of metal 由金属制成
18. make it a really fun day 让它成为真正有趣的一天
19. many places of world interest 许多世界名胜
20. do sth as soon as possible 尽快做某事
21. an amazing day 大开眼界的一天
22. teach himself how to make a home page 自学如何制作主页
23. go and see for yourself 亲自去看
24. feel the beauty of the park 感受公园的美丽
25. learn a lot/ a little/ more about sth 对---了解许多/一点儿/更多
1 look after sb. well 照料好某人
2 at four years 在四岁时
3 a report /talk on… 一个关于…的报告
4 start to do sth. 开始做某事
5 grow into 长成…
6 at the very beginning 在一开始
7 eat bamboo shoots and leaves 吃竹笋和叶子
8 cut down trees and forests 砍树伐林
9 have nowhere to live 没有生存的地方
10 leave sb. on one’s own/alon 把某人单独留下
11 take it away 把它拿走
12 do something to help 采取措施来帮助
13 encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事
14 take the following actions 采取下列行动
15 walk through a rainforest 步行穿越雨林
16 be good at hunting other animals 善于猎取其他的动物
17 loss of living areas 居住区的丧失
18 make medicine from their bones 用他们的骨头制药
19 clothes made of animal fur 动物皮毛制的衣服
20 look lovely on me 穿在我身上看上去很漂亮
21 lose ones life/lives 失去生命
22 continue to build roads 继续修路
23 sell elephants tusks 卖象牙
24 keep taking the land 不断占领土地
25 move around in the daytime 白天转悠
1 at the market 在市场上
2 fly to northern countries 飞往北国
3 in northeast China/in the northeast of China 在中国的东北
4 provide sb. with sth. / provide sth for sb. 给某人提供某物
5 all year round 常年/一年到
6 the Chinese government 中国政府
7 protect the endangered swans 保护濒临灭绝的天鹅
8 less and less space/water / energy 越来越小的空间/少的水/能量
9 fewer and fewer friends / squirrels 越来越少的朋友/松鼠
10 more and more money / swallows 越来越多的钱/燕子
11 make them take actions to protect wild animals 让他们采取行动来保护野生动物
12 understand the importance of learning/ studying English 明白学习英语的重要性
13 look at sb. angrily 很生气地看着某人
14 leave / drop litter 丢废弃物
15 join us at the entrance 在进口处加入我们的行列
16 speak / sing softly 轻轻地说话 / 唱歌
17 a noisy market / street 一个喧闹的市场/街道
18. a protected area 一个受保护的地区
19 an incorrect answer / incorrect answers 不正确的答案
20 write the report clearly 将报告写清楚
21 frighten sb. / the birds 吓唬某人/鸟
22 prevent sb. from doing sth. 防止某人干某事
23 an honest / a dishonest waiter 一个(不)诚实的服务员
24 speak fluent French/ speak French fluently 说流利的法语(两种)
25 Don’t drop litter carelessly. 不要随便丢垃圾.