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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 22:55:24
看完这部电影深深地被小萨拉所感动,不仅感动于她的乐于助人,更感动于她从天堂般地生活一下子跌落至地狱时,她所面对困境所显露出来的坚强勇敢,及对生活充满信心和热情的乐观态度.当她刚被送往这所学校时,因为父亲富有,学校为了钱财利益,费心巴结萨拉,把她安排在最好的房间,满足她的所有要求,但即使在如此优待的环境中,萨拉也没有自鸣得意,相反,她尊重弱者,心地善良,对小女佣贝基友好礼貌,还帮助贝基,从而引得了贝基最忠城的友谊,在萨拉生日 时,贝基还亲手缝制了一件礼物送给她,在后来萨拉落难时更是贝基的友谊与忠心让她度过生活的低潮.生活中从来没有无来由的从天而降,当你羡慕别人得到更多时,你可曾想过:正是如萨拉般对他人不计成本地付出才赢得人们同样的回报.
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Watching the movie were deeply touched by little Sara, not only moved by her helpfulness, more moved by her from heaven suddenly dropped to hell as life, she faces difficulties have revealed strong and courageous, and life is full of confidence and enthusiasm optimistic attitude. When she just was sent to the school, because the father is rich, the school for gain benefits, bother curry favor with Sarah, she arranged in the best room, satisfy all of her request, but even in such a favourable environment, Sarah nor smug, instead, she respects the weak, kind-hearted, the little maid becky friendly and polite, but also help becky, thus the most loyal city was becky laughters of friendship, at Sara birthday, becky also a hand sewing gift for her, in later Sarah victim is becky friendship and loyalty let her through the life of low ebb. Life never inexplicable sky, when you envy others get more for long time, have you ever thought: it's like Sarah to others like befalls him to pay to win people the same reward.
Then Sarah's father were killed in the war and wu, this news, the school think Sarah is their encumbrance, thus let her live in the worst attic, eat the worst food, and do a little maid, everyday constantly work. Face from heaven to hell of a life events, little Sara and no bites, also didn't complain, and vice is strong bravely all predicament, with an optimistic attitude to life. When cold snobbish female teachers sarcasm she was no longer a princess, she gives firm of answer: "every girl is princess! Even if she lived in low attic; even if she ragged; even if she is not beautiful or no longer young, she is still the princess!"
When she lived in cold and wet small attic, she will say: this scuttle illuminates in sunshine is how warm! She's using from already rich imagination stories to show our classmates, give other people bring you joy and also bring myself a happiness of her life, always be full of confidence. People say: when god close all the doors, never forget to open a window! And this window is in your heart, need you intentions to find. Good people will only sitting in darkness, Sarah was in howl carefully looking for that fan sunny window. She never discouraged, always believe that tomorrow will be better. Finally Sara and returned to being a princess.
In life, when we encounter frustration, when in trouble, do not prevent to themselves laughing, seeing the grass from the stream of the green alcoves how but person, feel breeze FoMian feeling is how warm, thank sunshine selfless shine, smiling face is more effective than frown complain? "Believe in cold winter later will have flowers flourish of spring, let us like little Sara as optimistic confidently to life, the gentle affectionately and around an easy-going person, with a kind heart to feel the world, respect the weak, thus, you will find that life is originally so beautiful!