作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 10:57:05
How do you do?
Good morning(afternoon/evening) 早上(下午/晚上)好
Glad to see you 很高兴看到你
It's such a great pleasure to see you 在这里能见到你,十分高兴
I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance 我很高兴能认识你
I have often heard about you 我常常听人提起你
How are you?身体工作如何?
How are you felling?你感觉如何?
Thanks.Fine(Not so bad/So-so/Not too well/Midling) 还好(差不多/不太好/还好)
Prefectly well,thank you 很好,
Thank you,and what about you?你也好么?
How are things?工作如何?
All right,how are you?很好,你也好么?
How are you getting on?你近来怎么样?
How is your family(father/monther/husband/wife/brother/sister) going on?家里人(你父亲/你母亲/你老公/你老婆/你兄弟/你姐妹)怎样?
Give him/her my regards,please 请转达我对他/她的问候
See you later 一会儿见
So long 再见
All the best.祝一切顺利
Good luck!