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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/04 17:50:16
Now.relax yourselvies.Come on and after me raise your hands and move it.Do it fellow the music shake your hands,hip your feet!hey,baby I can here you.Can you make a little bit louder.It\''s our free time.be relax.I know you can do it.
OK,let\''s have a break.It\''s the best time for your guns with your girlfriend or may bo with your boyfriend after this,your guns can have the second crease disco party time.
欢迎各位朋友光临我们**DISCO.在下面的时间调整好你的情绪,离开座位来到我们的舞池中感觉一下我们来自2002年的音乐,跟上DJ节奏一起来.YAO BABY.YAO BABY COME ON.
Oh yeah baby.We are very glad that so foreigners all our party.It you coddly trun back the hands of time.I have already prepared myself very for POP dance music.Are you ready?All right everybody now say one two here we go.
OKAY.欢迎你走进DJ**为你带来最HI的DISCO摇头派对,带上你的舞伴,一起投入倒我们的舞池,做一下做简单的热身运动,nobody.come on.
Ready to move yourbody?Come on.Moving.
Come on.我们一起摇一摇.
Landies Gentialmen welcome to ** disco.This is DJ** and MC** take this house music just now.Boys and Girls are you ready?Come on.
放松你的心情一起来摇摆.here we go again.
OK.再次欢迎大家光临我们**DISCO,但愿每天晚上送给你们最嗨的摇头音乐陪你渡过每一个疯狂的夜晚.Hey.Ready Ready one more try.
So dance for the Disco music just now.
Everybody shake song.
Hey,baby come on.
最爽的感觉从这里开始,just house music.
Come on baby fellow me.跟着我们的音乐,享受你的快乐,钻进我的音乐世界,踏上我的音乐旋律,插上你动感的翅膀,让我们一起飞翔.Are you ready?I ready for dance...
再次跟着我的HOUSE MUSIC摇起你的脑袋伸出你的手.Everybody shake yourbody.DJ** let this party one two here we go.
OK OK.不要再压抑自己了,来一点疯狂的感觉,让我们一起沸腾一下,双手举起来.
Landies Gentialmen boys and girls.Welcome to the party in the POP music of the poor night.Are you ready?Everybody rock yourbody or my run.
闭上你的双眼,享受我们最正点的跳舞节拍,Shake yourbody rock yourbody.Let we go.
Welcome to the party.跟着节奏摇起来.
Say one again,one more time.抓紧摇摆节奏.Come on.
Landies Gentialmen,boys and girls.Welcome to the ** Disco,this is a party.This is DJ** and MC** take countrl.We\''re music in the DJ car.Are you ready to the dance.Are you ready to shake yourbody.Let\''s ready inside my progess.Let we go.