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英语翻译The Green Banana这篇文章讲的是对待世界上各种不同文化应采取何种态度的问题.随着国际交往的不断发展

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/05 21:07:02
The Green Banana这篇文章讲的是对待世界上各种不同文化应采取何种态度的问题.随着国际交往的不断发展,我们的世界越来越像一个地球村,各种风格迥异的文化彼此遭遇、碰撞,文明之间的冲突大有愈演愈烈之势,如何看待异域文化和文化差异成了值得人们认真思考的重要问题.本文的作者通过巴西人用青香蕉堵住了水箱上的小洞的故事,向我们展示了他本人对这个问题的深入思考.再次,他惊讶于村民们对世界中心即那块岩石的信仰,因为他认为世界的中心应该在他祖父的家乡新英格兰.后来作者逐步意识到:每一种文化都有自身的精妙之处,"The Green Banana" 即象征着每一种文化中所蕴藏的鲜为人知的宝藏;对每一种族的人来说,他们生活的地方对他们都具有特殊意义.世界因此有无数的中心,但是人们不可能经历全部.而我们一旦能够从自己文化的包围中走出来,去自觉领受另一种文化,我们将会得到影响自己一生的全新视角,并从此开始收藏异域文化中的宝藏.这篇文章告诉我们,每一种文化都有它的"green bananas" 它们慢慢成熟,等待着我们放下偏见,以平等和尊重的眼光去欣赏和领悟.
The article ‘The Green Banana’ illustrates the issue of what attitude to choose,to treat different kinds of cultures in the world.The international exchanges developing,our world is becoming more and more like a global village.Various types of cultures have encountered and collided.The conflict between civilizations has been grown in intensity.Thus,how to regard the culture of foreign lands and cultural differences has been the priority,which deserves to be thought over by the people.Through the story that Brazilians applied the unripe bananas to plug up the holes in water tanks,the author of this essay lays out his own further thoughts on this problem.Furthermore,he was astonished by the belief of those villagers in the centre of the world ,that is,the rock.Because from his perspective,the centre of this world was supposed to be located in hisgrandfather’s hometown,New England.Later on,the writer came to realize that every culture owns its excellence,and‘The Green banana’ just symbolizes the little-known treasure contained by each culture;for the people of every race,the places where they live make special sense to them.Therefore,there are countless centres in the Globe,while man aren't able to experience all of them.However,once we walk out of our cultural surroundings to accept another culture consciously,we will acquire a brand-new vision that may affect our whole life,and start to make a collection of great treasure in foreign cultures.This composition educates us that each culture boasts its ‘green bananas’ and gradually they are maturing;they are awaiting our leaving the prejudice ,to appreciate and comprehend them in the sight of equality and respect.