作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 01:13:24
1、search 与 search for 的区别及用法 2、I won`t miss it for anything 3、quick on 4、a playing field 5、I`ll put a 300-dollar credit on your account to make up the inconvenience as well.翻译。
解题思路: 词汇的辨析与短语理解
1. search 与 search for 的区别及用法
△ search(vt.)search sb.搜某人的身;search a place 搜某个地方。如:
The policeman is searching a thief.那警察正在搜小偷的身。
△ search for sb. /sth. 搜寻、寻找某人、某物。如:
They searched for that man everywhere.他们到处寻找那个人。
△ search…for sb. /sth.搜……寻找某人、某物。如:
They searched the woods for a lost child.他们在树林里搜寻一个丢失的孩子。
△ in search of中的search为名词,意为“寻找;寻求”。如:
They went to Australia in search of gold.他们去澳大利亚寻找金子。
△ 经典例句(建议背诵):The Customs were searching for drugs when I came through the airport. They searched everybody’s luggage for them, and they searched the man in front of me from head to foot.我经过机场时,海关人员正在搜查毒品。他们检查每个人的行李,把我前面那个人从头到脚搜了一遍。
2. I won`t miss it for anything
我肯定不会错误它的。 miss 这里是“错过”的意思。not...for anything 是一种强调的口语说法,表示“肯定做某事”。
3. quick on 敏捷, 快速
4. a playing field
5. I`ll put a 300-dollar credit on your account to make up the inconvenience as well.
同时,我会在你的账户上打入300美元来弥补这次的不便。credit 这里是“贷款”,inconvenience 不便,不便之处。make up 修补,弥补。