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英语翻译When he’sfinished painting,he knows he’s done the imposs

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 01:44:26
When he’sfinished painting,he knows he’s done the impossible,created something that reachesdeep into modern nightmares,hectic,terrifying,burning,screaming.There’s noway out.It’s defiantly modern,but it also pulls us back into thetragedy of the ages,a Cubist commotion,yet also a classical monument,withit’s wailing women flanking the massive pyramid of death.It’s just paint andcanvas它只是颜料和画布,but it has the authority of stone.It’s unbombable.It’sindestructible.
For this picture achieves a miracle.Despite all the images of violenceand disaster with which we’re bombarded,it makes us feel it.It gets under ourskin.
This,for me,is what all great art hasto do — crash into our lazy routines.The routine that Guernica tears into is asickness of our,as well as Picasso’s,time:the habit of taking violent evilin our stride; the yawn at the massacre; “Seen it before.Go away.Don’t spoilthe fun of art.” But Guernica isn’t with us for fun.It’s there to rip away thescar tissue,to make us bleed,to rob us of our sleep.So,what can art do whenthe bombs start dropping?It can instruct us on the obligations of being human.In all the ways that really counted,Picasso had won.Art had won.Humanity hadwon.
So,does Guernica storm the Paris WorldFair and the world of art?
Well,no,not really.The response isdevastatingly polite.Critics are more bemused than blown away.Left-wingvisitors to the Fair from Spain and beyond looked in vain for muscularproletarians in heroic attitudes,or even the grim-faced bad guys in malevolentposes.One critic described the painting as nothing more than a privatebrainstorm,which,of course,it partly was.Whilst Guernica is bathed inrather lukewarm praise,Picasso is off to the Cote d’Azur with Dora and hisposse of friends.But there is now more to Picasso than the bohemian beachbumact.He is an artist transformed.An artist who believes his art has apolitical purpose and a political message.