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英语翻译论文需要 在美术史上,关于中国仕女画的研究国内已经有过很多,关于魏晋南北朝或者是明清时期断代史方面的研究也是不少

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 00:38:28
论文需要 在美术史上,关于中国仕女画的研究国内已经有过很多,关于魏晋南北朝或者是明清时期断代史方面的研究也是不少,但是我们发现将魏晋南北朝与明清仕女画联系起来研究,分析其形象背后的文化内涵的研究却很少,而这个研究对于中国仕女画的发展却是极为重要的,因此,我希望能通过我的研究梳理工作,为以后相关方面的研究起到一点抛砖引玉的作用.
On art history, the study of Chinese traditional Chinese painting has had many domestic, or about the southern dynasties is the Ming and qing dynasties periodic history research is also many, but we found that the wei jin southern and northern dynasties linked with traditional Chinese painting in the Ming and qing dynasties research, analysis of the image behind the cultural connotation is little research, but the research for the development of China's traditional Chinese painting is very important, therefore, I hope I can comb through my research work, for future related research have the effect of a topic.
点击手机右上角给个好评吧! 再答: 不用谢我这是机器翻译的。
再问: 我还有两个 不知能不能也帮我翻译了
再答: 你把文字编辑好。我就帮你翻译。
再问: 嗯嗯 谢谢
再问: 不好意思 后面的重复了
再答: 本论文第一章、第二章分别论述了魏晋南北朝时期与明清时期的仕女画成因、具体形象特征和代表作品,通过这种梳理,来让读者了解魏晋南北朝与明清时期的仕女画的具体形象特点。第三章则主要通过魏晋南北朝仕女画与明清仕女画之间的表现对象、审美特点、绘画技法、服饰容貌等方面的具体比较,来分析魏晋南北朝与明清仕女画在形象表现上的具体不同之处。最后一章重点来分析造成这种形象不同背后所体现的文化内涵。
再答: In this paper the first chapter, the second chapter discusses the wei jin southern and northern dynasties period respectively, and however, the cause of the Ming and qing dynasties, the specific image characteristics and representative works, in this, to let the reader understand the wei jin southern and northern dynasties and specific image characteristics of traditional Chinese painting during the Ming and qing dynasties. The third chapter mainly through between the wei jin southern and northern dynasties traditional Chinese painting and traditional Chinese painting in the Ming and qing dynasties performance object, aesthetic characteristics and painting techniques, dress appearance, the specific comparison to analyze the wei jin southern and northern dynasties and the traditional Chinese painting in the Ming and qing dynasties in the image on the performance of the specific differences. The last chapter emphasis to analyze this image embodied by different cultural connotations.
再问: 这是最后一段 就三段 万分感谢
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