作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

一、A:What can I do for you?B:Yes,I'd like to ___ a blouse for

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 18:10:51
A:What can I do for you?
B:Yes,I'd like to ___ a blouse for my sister as a birthday ___.
A:What size ___ she wear?
B:The same size as I ___.
A:Would she like this one?
B:___,do you have ___ different from this one?
A:What ___ that one?
B:The ___ is too dark.I want a bringter one.
A:How about this one?
B:It's too dear.Do you have ___ cheaper?
A:Why ___ you go to the second floor and have a look.
B:Hello,Tom.Could I borrow your camera ___,please?
A:___.It's not a ___ line.Could you speak ___ clearly?
B:Yes.Could I borrow your camera,please?___ broken.
A:___.___ do you want ___?
B:Tomorrow if possible.
A:OK.I'll ___ it to school ___ the morning.
B:Thank you.
A:What can I do for you?有什么可以为您效劳?
B:Yes,I'd like to 【buy】 a blouse for my sister as a birthday 【present/gift】.是的,我想给我的姐姐买件短上衣作生日礼物.
A:What size 【does】 she wear?她穿那个尺码的?
B:The same size as I 【wear】.跟我穿一个号的.
A:Would she like this one?她会喜欢这件吗?
B:【No】,do you have 【some/any】 different from this one?不,还有跟这件不一样的吗?
A:What 【about】 that one?那件怎么样呢?
B:The 【color】 is too dark.I want a bringter one.颜色太深了.我想买件颜色浅些的.
A:How about this one?这件怎么样?
B:It's too dear.Do you have 【anyone/someone】 cheaper?这件太贵了,有没有便宜些的呢?
A:Why 【don’t】 you go to the second floor and have a look.为什么不去楼上看看呢?
B:Hello,Tom.Could I borrow your camera 【tomorrow】,please?汤姆.我明天能借用你的相机吗?
A:【Sorry】.It's not a 【bad】 line.Could you speak 【again/more】 clearly?抱歉,线路不好.你能再说清楚点吗?
B:Yes.Could I borrow your camera,please?【Mine’s】 broken.好的.我能借用你的相机吗?我的相机坏了
A:【Yes/Sure】.【When】 do you want 【it】?是的,你什么时候用?
B:Tomorrow if possible.如果可以的话,就明天.
A:OK.I'll 【bring】 it to school 【in】 the morning.没问题,我明天早上把相机带到学校去.
B:Thank you.