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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 07:14:21
我一直对英语的应答语这里不太清楚,很容易搞混,请老师点拨,请明确分类,例如关于道歉的,关于祝贺的,在不同情境下的不同的应答语,例如:当朋友要外出游玩时,应说:have a good time/enjoy yourself,还有回答语的同义性,例如:Never mind=No matter , 越多越好,学生将感激不已!!
解题思路: 学习时多加交流,学以致用。
※祝愿与祝贺(Wishes and Congratulations)
◆Good luck! ◆Best wishes to you
◆Well done! ◆Congratulations!
◆Wish you all the success! ◆Enjoy yourself/yourselves!
◆Happy birthday to you! ◆Wish you good health and lots of happiness!
Happy New Year! Merry Christmas!
Happy Spring Festival! Happy Mid-Autumn Day!
4. 常用应答语
◆Thank you. ◆ You, too.
◆The same to you.
※表达喜悦(Expressing Happiness)
1. How wonderful/nice! 2. That’s nice/lovely/great/wonderful!
3. I’m so happy/glad/pleased/happy (to…) 4. It’s well done.
※购物(Go Shopping)
◆I want/I’d like….. ◆ That’s too much/expensive, I’m afraid.
◆Let me have…kilos/box(es),etc. ◆Do you have any other kind/size/colour, ect.?
◆That’s fine. I’ll take it. ◆How much is it/How much does it cost?
※表达恐惧(Expressing fear)
1. Help! 2. How terrible! 3.I’m scared!
※提建议(Giving suggestions)
We’d better go now. What/How about playing badminton now?
Why not put off the meeting till tomorrow? Would/Could you do it, please?
Shall we go to the park? Let’s go to school.
肯定回答:Yes, please./Ok./Certainly./Good idea./That’s a good idea!/What a good idea!/All right./Sure./Yes, Let’s…./I would be glad to./I would like to./Yes, I’d like/love to.(其中to不能省略)
否定回答:No, thank you./Sorry, we can’t./Sorry, you can’t./Sorry, but…./Sorry, I’ll…/Yes, I’d like(love) to, but…
※ 能力与不能够(Ability and inability)
1. 询问能力
◆Can you ride a bike? ◆Will you be able to join my birthday party?
◆Is she unable to come to my birthday party? ◆Didn’t you know how to swim?
2. 表达有能力、无能力
◆ I can/can’t drive a car. ◆ I can manage it myself.
◆ I can’t manage to work out the maths problem.
◆ There’s nothing I can do about it. ◆ I don’t know how to mend her telephone.
1. 表达道歉
◆Pardon? ◆Excuse me!
◆ I beg your pardon. ◆ I’m sorry/sorry.
◆ I’m sorry for/about…..
◆ That’s all right/Ok. ◆It doesn’t matter./That’s nothing./Never mind.
◆ No problem./Don’t worry about it!
※同意与不同意(Agreement and disagreement)
Certainly./Sure./Of course./All right./Ok.
Yes, please./Yes, I think so./That’s true.
That’s a good idea./ I agree(with you)./I’m sure you’re right.
2.不完全同意(Partly agree)
◆Yes , maybe/perhaps. ◆ You may be right.
◆Yes , I suppose so.
◆No, I don’t think so./I don’t agree(with you)./I can’t really agree with you.
◆I ‘m afraid not./ Of course not./No way.
※就餐(Having meals)
◆Help yourself/yourselves. ◆ Help yourself/yourselves to….
I’d like …. Just a little, please.
Thank you. I ‘ve had enough. I’m full, thank you.
It’s delicious, but I can’t eat any more.