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从下列方框中选适当的 从下列方框中选适当的词或短语填空,注意其形式变化. reliable,transport,atti

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 23:05:23
reliable,transport,attitude,organize,make up one's mind,as usual,ever since,care about,change
one's mind,give in
1.____,the young man walked into the bar at midnight and ordered a beer.
2.I tried to get Jane to join us tonight,but she won't ____.She prefers to stay at home in the evening.
3.I heard the news report,but I'm not sure if the information was ____ or not.
4.I have been working with her ____ I graduated from university.
5.Sandy told me that she really didn't ____ sports at all.She was just interested in one player.
6.The little boy had such a bad ____ when the guests arrived that his mother told him to go to his room
    until he could be friendlier.
7.It took three days to ____ the food,clothes and medicine to the disaster-hit (受灾) area.
8.It took me three hours to persuade him,and he finally ____ and agreed to help us.
9.I think they've finally ____ to spend next summer in Europe,rather than going to the USA.
10.When writing,it is very important to ____ and present your ideas clearly.
1.As usual 2.change her mind 3.reliable 4.ever since 5.care about
6.attitude 7.transport 8.gave in 9.made up their minds 10.organize