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英语翻译(required; choose one of five)Essay Option 1.Find x.Insp

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/02 18:34:30
(required; choose one of five)
Essay Option 1.Find x.
Inspired by Benjamin Nuzzo,an admitted student from Eton College,UK
Essay Option 2.Dog and Cat.Coffee and Tea.Great Gatsby and Catcher in the Rye.Everyone knows there are two types of people in the world.What are they?
Inspired by an alumna of the class of 2006
Essay Option 3.Salt,governments,beliefs,and celebrity couples are a few examples of things that can be dissolved.You've just been granted the power to dissolve anything:physical,metaphorical,abstract,concrete...you name it.What do you dissolve,and what solvent do you use?
Inspired by Greg Gabrellas,A.B.2009
Essay Option 4."Honesty is the best policy,but honesty won't get your friend free birthday cake at the diner." - Overheard in the city of Chicago
Does society require constant honesty?Why is it (or why is it not) problematic to shift the truth in one's favor,even if the lie is seemingly harmless to others?If we can be "conveniently honest," what other virtues might we take more lightly?
Inspired by Eleanor Easton,a second-year in the College
Essay Option 5.In the interest of adventurous inquiry,pose a question of your own.If your prompt is original and thoughtful,then you should have little trouble writing a great essay.Draw on your best qualities as a writer,thinker,visionary,social critic,sage,citizen of the world,or future citizen of the University of Chicago; take a little risk and have fun.
(要求;选择五之一)散文选1.查找十灵感来自本杰明Nuzzo,选项2,从伊顿公学的学生承认,英国随笔.狗和猫.咖啡和茶.伟大的盖茨比和麦田里的守望者.大家都知道在世界上有两类人.它们是什么?3灵感来自校友散文选一类的2006年.盐,各国政府,信念和名人夫妇的事情,可以溶解的几个例子.你刚刚被授予的权力,解散什么:物理,隐喻,抽象的,具体的...你的名字.你溶解,溶剂你什么用呢?4启发由Greg Gabrellas,AB公司2009年散文选.“诚实是最好的政策,诚实却不会得到你的朋友在餐厅免费生日蛋糕.” -芝加哥窃听在城市目前的社会需要不断的诚实吗?为什么它(或它为什么不)问题在一个转变的青睐实话,即使是看似无害的谎言给别人?如果我们能“方便诚实,”我们还有什么其他的美德可能采取更轻易?5灵感埃莉诺伊斯顿,第二个选项,每年在高校论文.在调查的冒险兴趣,构成你自己的问题.如果您提示正本和周到,那么你应该有什么麻烦写一个伟大的文章.利用你的优秀品质作为一个作家,思想家,有远见,社会批评家,鼠尾草,世界,或芝加哥大学的未来公民,要花一点点的风险和乐趣.