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spend 怎么用 语法

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 09:42:00
spend 怎么用 语法
sb.spend sometime (in) doing sth.sb.spend some money on sth.spend.Vt.vi.(1)用(钱),花费 spend money on books 花钱买书 spend all one's energies 竭尽全力 (2)消耗,用尽,浪费 They went on firing until all their ammunition was spent.他们不断射击,直到耗尽所有的弹药.spend one's blood and life for the cause of communism 献身于共产主义事业 (3)消磨(时光),度过 spend …on sth.(in doing sth.) spend a lot of care on sth.[in doing sth.] 在某事上[做某事时]费很多心血 He doesn't spend much time on his homework .他花在作业上的时间不多.How do you spend your leisure?你是怎样消磨空闲时间的?spend vi.花费,浪费 (被)耗尽,用尽 He is always spending.他挥霍成性.Don't spend without the thought of the next day.花钱不要只顾眼前不想明天.