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帮忙翻译课文!帮忙翻译英语课文.No one is sure where football first began. A

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 17:01:18
No one is sure where football first began. An ancient Chinese writer wrote that a football game was played in China as 300 B. C. And games like football were played in ancient Greece , Mexico and Japan . the Roman soldier who took England played a kind of football . it was recorded that in this game a ball was thrown into the air between two teams of players . Hands and feet were used and there was a great deal of pushing and even fighting . The English probably first learned this game from the Romans . They played a similar game for hundreds of years .They kicked the ball , carried it or hit it with their closed hands . Whole villages and towns played against each other , with hundreds of people taking part in ! In the seventeenth century the game was played in schools . At that time hands could be used to catch the ball but players were not allowed to throw the ball forward or run with it . In the nineteenth century an important new rule was made . Running with the ball was allowed . In 1873 new rules were made for all football players to follow . Carrying the ball was not allowed under there rules . This kind of football was called " association football ". the word " association "was shortened first to " assoc", and later to " soccer ",the word we use today . Those players who preferred to carry the ball by hand formed their own association . The game they played was called " rugby ". Today , soccer is one of the world' s most popular team games and is played in almost every country of the world . There are more players of soccer than of any other ball game . It is played mainly by men and boys but there are some women's teams , too . Unlike rugby , soccer calls for the ability to control the ball with one' s feet . Moreover , it is team game . The members of each team must always remember that they are a part of the team following one plan .