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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 20:05:25
2 对于延宕,学界一般都视之为哈姆雷特的独特行为,而没有关注到延宕在剧中其实更为根本的是一种价值感现象;或者说,决定哈姆雷特延宕的是哈姆雷特的一种价值感.在剧中,哈姆雷特为父复仇的愿望可以说是强烈到了无以复加的地步,但在听了鬼魂的话之后,并没有直接实施复仇,而是成为一个“疯癫”的思考者
3 哈姆雷特的延宕与行动之间如果没有必然的联系,哈姆雷特的性格就必然是不统一的.从哈姆雷特的独白看,哈姆雷特尽管下定复仇的决心之时,也没忘记对生命价值的思考.他的内心深处还在不断地询问生命意义何在的问题
我要人工翻译 不要网页 说到做到.
Who are charged with Goethe that the reason Hamlet hesitated but the burden of revenge is due to the relationship between his own weakness. I think that Goethe only to see the appearance of things, but did not extend much further strokes. Dramatic plot tells us that Hamlet is not a person without capacity to act, under the sword pierced his anger behind the tapestry eavesdropping Polonius; he also planned to use tricks and even the case, so the design of his murder courtier to die, their action is decisive and even the rich wisdom. Hamlet is not a good preacher, not a mouthpiece of the spirit of the times, the reason that, from the richness of his character, complexity, and contradictions.
The late nineteenth century, the German critic Karl • Weill Bender, published in 1875 asserted: "The hesitation of Hamlet Prince of Denmark is simply not the reason for the weakness, but on the objective situation impeded the realization of plans for revenge." ② I think Weil Dell was only seen things on the one hand, we recognize that the objective situation is Hamlet important reasons for repeated delays, but not exactly.
2 for the delay, scholars are generally regarded as a unique act of Hamlet, but not concerned about the delays in the play in fact is a more fundamental sense of the value phenomenon; or that the decision is delayed Hamlet Hamlet a sense of the value. In the play, Hamlet, Revenge of the parent can be said that a strong desire to be added to the point, but after listening to the words of the ghost, and there is no direct implementation of revenge, but rather as a "madness" a thinker
When Hamlet came on wearing the black clothes, stagnation with your heart, speak a lot "or not to be" the prince at once to meet the expectations of the audience at that time horizon. Hamlet revenge play the fool, and he has shown cynical, and even world-weary mood, and the times are all closely related. In particular, Hamlet Claudius, the hesitated to pray, missed the opportunity of revenge, showing the biblical, it is also a pre-determined for the characters of Shakespeare's social values and ethics, just to meet people's expectations at the time horizon.
3 Hamlet without delay and action necessary link between, on the character of Hamlet is not necessarily uniform. Hamlet's soliloquy from view, although Hamlet's determination to make up the time of revenge, did not forget the value of life in China. His heart is still constantly asking the question what the meaning of life
To completely understand the reasons for Hamlet, Revenge, we must increase both subjective and objective
An integrated analysis. Delays caused by Hamlet's revenge is not the time or manner of a simple, but far
Complex and profound subjective and objective factors: a new Renaissance, in terms of ideology and the Hamlet
Can no longer keen on revenge mission feudal tradition, and his company for the "whole good times" and the real
Humanism is the ideal requirements and can only be some dream. From the subjective point of view, character Hamlet
Prudent, cautious, introverted and even some skeptical, but he is not a bad act. He is a good observation,
Dare to think of social problems, aware of his responsibility to transform this "era of reverse confusion," but to take
Not specific and feasible measures. He knew revenge means he had to start governing the country immediately, but he
They feel ready enough, therefore a lack of confidence, at least subconsciously he does not want premature execution of the king
So, his revenge would be further delayed, resulting in their own and the enemy die, causing the tragedy.