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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 23:39:34
澳大利亚的Victoria(维多利亚州)去年遭受的严重的火灾. VICTORIA has witnessed this country's greatest natural disaster. Worse than Black Friday. Worse than Ash Wednesday. That is the grim sum of a catastrophe that already exceeds all others — and which threatens to grow worse.
The towns of Kinglake and Marysville have been wiped out and around the state more people have died than in any previous natural catastrophe — one so lethal that authorities are treating it like a major terrorist attack.The first of several interstate victim identification teams arrived yesterday to assist Victoria Police under a national terrorist contingency plan.More than 70 people died in the Black Friday fires of 1939 — and 75 on Ash Wednesday in 1983, 47 of them Victorians. But as the official death list topped 93 last night, senior police sources told The Age they feared the final figure would be much greater.维多利亚目睹了这个国家最大的自然灾害.比黑色更糟糕的周五.这是一个灾难,已经超过所有其他严酷之- ,并威胁在加剧. 在金莱克城镇和马里斯维尔已被消灭,并围绕国家有更多的人死亡的人数比以往任何自然灾害-一个非常致命的当局当成了重大的恐怖攻击. 几个州际受害者查验队昨天刚到协助下,国家恐怖主义的应急计划,维多利亚警方报案. 超过70人死于1939年黑色星期五火灾-灰和75日在1983年,其中47维多利亚.但随着官方公布的死亡名单超过93昨晚,警方高级消息人士告诉时代,他们担心最后的数字会更大. Australlian Bushfire Takes 815,000 Acres of Land by Morgan Shortt - 31 weeks ago Rotarian and DRRAG member John Thorne states "The fire disaster in Victoria is now the worst domestic natural disaster in our European history in Australia. This is a natural disaster however it may be true that there have been arsonists at work as well."
WHITTLESEA, Australia, Feb 9 (Reuters) - Weary firefighters and rescuers pulled the remains of dozens of people from charred buildings on Monday as the toll from Australia's deadliest bushfires rose to 171, police said."Everybody's gone. Everybody's gone. Everybody. Their houses are gone. They're all dead in the houses there. Everybody's dead," cried survivor Christopher Harvey as he walked through the town of Kinglake, where most people were killed.A Victoria state police spokesman told Reuters by telephone late on Monday the toll had risen to 171 from about 135 hours earlier. He said the toll would almost certainly rise further.Police believe some of the fires, which razed rural towns near the country's second biggest city, Melbourne, were deliberately lit and declared one devastated town a crime scene."There are no words to describe it other than mass murder," Prime Minister Kevin Rudd earlier told local television. "These numbers (of dead) are numbing."The bushfires are the country's worst natural disaster in more than a century, and will put pressure on Rudd to deliver a broad new climate policy.One massive bushfire tore through several towns in the southern state of Victoria on Saturday night, destroying everything in its path. Many people died in cars trying to flee and others were killed huddled in their homes, yet some escaped by jumping into swimming pools or farm reservoirs.The inferno was as tall as a four-storey building at one stage and was sparking spot fires 40 km (25 miles) ahead of itself as the strong winds blew hot embers in its path."It's going to look like Hiroshima, I tell you. It's going to look like a nuclear bomb. There are animals dead all over the road," said Harvey.More than 750 houses were destroyed and some 78 people, with serious burns and injuries, are in hospital.Many patients had burns to more than 30 percent of their bodies and some injuries were worse than the Bali bombings in 2002, said one doctor at a hospital emergency department.In Canberra, lawmakers fought back tears as they suspended parliament for the day after expressing condolences to the victims on behalf of the stunned nation."It is the beauty and the wonder of our country," National Party leader Warren Truss said. "It can also be harsh and cruel. How can these idyllic landscapes also become killing fields?"PLEAS FOR MISSING
Thousands of firefighters continued to battle the main fires and scores of other blazes across Victoria on Monday, as well as fires in neighbouring New South Wales state. While cooler, calmer conditions helped firefighters, 10 major fires remained out of control in Victoria. But the week-long heatwave that triggered the inferno was over.The fires burnt out more than 330,000 ha (815,000 acres) of mostly bushland in Victoria, but a number of vineyards in the Yarra Valley were also destroyed. The Insurance Council of Australia said it was too early to estimate the bill.The small town of Marysville was sealed off by police as forensic scientists searched through the rubble for evidence. As dawn broke in the town of Whittlesea, near Kinglake, shocked residents wandered the streets, some crying, searching for loved ones still missing."The last anyone saw of them, the kids were running in the house, they were blocked in the house," cried Sam Gents, who had not heard from his wife Tina and three children, aged 6, 13 and 15, since the fire swept through Kinglake. "If they let me up the mountain I know where to go (to try and find them)," Gents sobbed. Police sealed off Kinglake, where at least 35 died, because bodies were still being recovered.Handwritten notes pinned to a board in the Whittlesea evacuation centre told the same sad story, with desperate pleas from people for missing family and friends to contact them.Rudd said it would take years to rebuild the devastated towns and has announced a A$10 million ($6.8 million) aid package. He has also called in the army to help erect emergency shelter.The previous worst bushfire tragedy in Australia was in 1983, when 75 people were killed.