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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 13:06:50
Steve:I'm very proud here today.Three industry experts,they have the penal discussion on software.Welcome to Macintosh software dating games.Software CEOs,could I please ask you to introduce yourself.(今天很高兴能站在这,和三位软件专家一起参加他们的终极讨论)
Fred:I'm Fred Gibbons from Software publishing coorperation.我是出版公司的Fred Bibbons.
Mitch:I'm Mitch Kapor,person of Lotus,do product called one two three.我是Mitch Kapor.发明了产品叫one two three.
Bill:My name is Bill Gates,I'm terminal Microsoft.And during 1984,microsoft is expected to get half of its revenues from macintosh software.我是bill gates,微软终端.我们预计1984年,公司有一半的收入是来源于Macintosh.
Steve:So software maker name number 3,when was your first date with macintosh?软件发明者3号回答问题,你是怎么样有有发明mac的想法的?
Bill:When we've been working on mac almost two years now,and we got some of are really good people on it.我们研究了两年这个东西,有些人很擅长.
Steve:Software CEO number 3,what macintosh be the third industry standard?三号回答,mac如何成为第三产业的典范?
Bill:To creat new standard,it take something,it's just now a little bit different.It takes something that's really new and really capital people's imagenation.And the mac,as all of the machines I have seen it's the only one that misunderstanding.第三产业需要有新的东西出现,mac正好满足了这一点.它很创新,很符合人们的想象.
Steve:NO.3,describe your ideal or relationship with other.还是三号,请你说说你的想法以及mac和其他产品的联系.
Bill:We will sell software in the paratanly.The key thing is apple get a lot of consistant standard machines and they are quickly.我们这段时间就会将mac推向市场,apple有相容的规格,并且反应很快.
Steve:sorry,time is up.we will give Steve a little time to decide who is the winner.I need all of you.对不起你的时间到了,观众们得给我一点时间让我想想谁是今天的冠军.我需要你们中的每一个.所以你们都是冠军.