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英语翻译I don’t realize ---because such things were never spoken

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 11:14:57
I don’t realize ---because such things were never spoken of----how often women suffered from men’s bullying.I did learn about the wretchedness of abandoned wives,single mothers,widows; but I also learned about the wretchedness of lone men.Even then I could see how exhausting it was for a mother to cater all day to the day to the needs of young children.But if I had been asked,as a boy,to choose between tending a baby and tending a machine,I think I would have chosen the baby,(Having now tend both,I know I would choose the baby.)
So I was baffled when the women at college accused me and my sex of having cornered the world’s pleasures.I think something like my bafflement has been felt by other boys (and girls as well) who grew up in dirt-poor farm county,in mining county,in black ghettos,in Hispanic barrios,in the shadows of factories,in Third World nations---any place where the fate of men is as grim and bleak as the fate of women.Toilers and warriors.I realize now how ancient these identities are,how deep the lug they exert on men,the undertow of a thousand generations.The miseries I saw,as a boy,in the lives of nearly all men,I continue to see in the lives of many----the body=breaking toil,the tedium,the call to be tough,the humiliating powerlessness,the battle for a living and for territory.
我没体会 ---因为这样事未曾讲过 ----妇女频繁遭受了人的胁迫.我得知被抛弃的妻子,单亲母亲,寡妇的不幸; 但我也得知孤立人的不幸.既使在这种情况下我可能看怎么用尽它是为了母亲能整天承办宴席到天到幼儿的需要.但,如果我请求,作为男孩,选择在趋向婴孩之间和趋向机器,我认为我会选择婴孩,(现在有趋向两个,我知道我会选择婴孩.)