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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 09:01:44
Chongqing, located in the Yangtze and Jialing River Interchange, China's southwestern region of the trade center, China's western region is the only municipality directly under the central government. She was hoisted in the halls of the United Nations map of the world, marking only the four Chinese cities in the world. City size area 82,400 square kilometers and a population of 31.07 million. Chongqing is one with a long history and cultural relics. 11th century BC, Pakistan on the center. Year 1189, the first Songguangzong awarded after Deng throne, he brags of "double joy" and Chongqing hence its name. During the Anti-Japanese War, to the Nationalist government of Chongqing Peidu wartime. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chongqing in 1950 as the central government in 1954, to the cities in Sichuan, 1983 become the central economic cities. In March 1997, the Fifth Session of the Eighth National People's Congress approved the establishment of Chongqing municipality directly under the central government. Chongqing is rich in natural resources. Coal, natural gas, Sr, bauxite, manganese, barium salt and other mineral resources reserves, grade in the country have a distinct advantage; included in the protection of rare wild animals of nearly 100 species, 50 rare plant variety; Chongqing or live pigs from China, flue-cured tobacco, medicine, sericulture, oranges, rabbits important production base. Chongqing humanities, and unique tourism resources. Ancient stone culture, Bayu culture, the Three Gorges culture, a well-known Chinese culture war, a world cultural heritage Dazu rock carvings, magnificent and majestic Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, the breathtaking landscape of the town famous. Chongqing have an integrated air land and sea transportation system and a modern telecommunications network. Road, rail connections, sea links Jiang Da, more than 110 domestic and international and regional routes to Chongqing with national and world connectivity, foreigners entering the airport directly for landing visas. Postal countries and regions reached more than 160. Chongqing has over all industrial categories, the greater ability of integrated industrial system. Auto, chemical medicine two pillars of industries continue to grow; Food, construction, tourism a pillar industry development is taking shape. Faced with the new wave of technological revolution, Chongqing will focus on cultivating electronic information, bio-engineering, Three high-tech environmental protection projects leading industry. Chongqing market network complete, the radiation surrounding population of nearly 300 million. Chongqing was opening up all-round, multi-level and wide-area status. Canada, Japan, Britain has a consulate general in Chongqing. Now with 174 countries and regions established economic and trade relations and cooperation, the world's top 500 enterprises have settled in Chongqing 38; Canada HSBC industry and the Hong Kong Po Sang, Hongkong, Japan Sumitomo, East Bank, Japan's Yasuda Kinen, the United States and treasure Sun Life insurance companies such as Canada and Hong Kong, Mr Sinclair Sujiang law firm in Chongqing have established branches or representative offices. Austria's Chamber of Commerce also has offices in Chongqing. April 2002 was held in Chongqing and made a "Chongqing Declaration," the Association of Asian Parliaments for Peace 3rd annual session July 2004 by the United States, "Business Week" organized by the Chongqing several prominent international dignitaries attending the International CEO Conference and will be the first in China held in Chongqing in 2005 Asia-Pacific Cities Summit Mayor, has and will further enhance the image of Chongqing opening to the outside world. Since the approval of the central government to municipalities, Chongqing's economic and social development has made tremendous achievements. In 2004 the city's GDP 266.5 billion yuan, compared with growth in 1996 1.51%; 161 billion yuan in fixed assets investment, an increase of 4.9 times. Urban and rural residents per capita disposable income reached 9,221 yuan and 2,535 yuan. Territory than before over 60% growth. In recent years, the Chongqing Municipal Foreign Economic and Trade rapid development of the city's import and export in 2003 amounted to 3.86 billion U.S. dollars. than in 1996 and 1.8 times, with exports 2.09 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 2.48 times, foreign trade enterprises reached 1,485. Particularly in recent years intensified its policy support for foreign investment environment is becoming more perfect. By the end of 2004, the city has approved the "three-capital" enterprises 3748, The contractual investment totaled 6.841 billion U.S. dollars, the actual absorption of foreign investment 3.641 billion U.S. dollars; signed overseas project contracting, labor cooperation, design and consulting contract amount 1.285 billion U.S. dollars, sending its staff to 31,311 people. Of the Three Gorges Project Construction and Development of migrants from the reservoir area, Chongqing to inject new vitality; The establishment of the central government, Chongqing has opened up a new world of development; the western development strategy implementation, Chongqing opened a new chapter in the development of accelerated. Chongqing is the people of all ethnic groups under the 16th Chinese Communist Party Congress of the grand blueprint for mapping, the scientific development concept as a guide, be realistic and pragmatic, pioneering and innovative, in accordance with the strategy of developing the western region of the overall planning, efforts to build the city developed economy, the economic corridor in West Chongqing, the Three Gorges reservoir area for ecological and economic zone representatives of the "three major economic regions," Chongqing built for the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the economic center of a struggle. Today's Chongqing, geographic, cultural and social environment, is forming an increasingly stronger magnetic field, producing an irresistible attraction, is increasingly highlighted its tolerance, extensive and passion dust charm
重庆,位于长江、嘉陵江交汇处,是中国西南地区的工商业重镇,也是中国西部唯一的中央直辖市.她是在悬挂于联合国大厅的世界地图上,仅有标注的中国四大城市之一.全市幅员面积8.24万平方公里,人口3107万. 重庆是一座具有悠久历史的文化名城.公元前11世纪,巴国就在此建都.公元1189年,宋光宗在此先封王后登帝位,自诩“双重喜庆”,重庆由此得名.抗日战争时期,重庆为国民政府战时陪都.中华人民共和国成立后,重庆于1950年成为中央直辖市,1954年改为四川省辖市,1983年成为中央经济计划单列市.1997年3月,全国人大第八届五次会议批准重庆设立中央直辖市. 重庆拥有丰富的自然资源.煤、天然气、锶、铝土、锰、岩盐和钡等矿产资源的储量、品位在全国占明显优势;列入国家保护的野生珍稀动物近100种,珍稀植物达50多种;重庆还是中国生猪、烤烟、药材、蚕桑、柑桔、长毛兔的重要生产基地. 重庆人文、旅游资源得天独厚.古代石刻文化、巴渝文化、三峡文化、抗战文化蜚声中外,世界文化遗产大足石刻、雄伟壮丽的长江三峡、璀璨迷人的山城夜景闻名遐迩. 重庆拥有完善的水陆空综合交通运输体系和现代邮电通信网络.公路、铁路四通八达,水路通江达海,110余条国内、国际及地区航线将重庆与全国和世界连接,外国人入境可在机场直接办理落地签证.通邮国家和地区达160多个. 重庆拥有产业门类较全、综合配套能力较强的工业体系.汽车摩托车、化工医药两大支柱产业不断壮大;食品、建筑、旅游等新的支柱产业正在形成发展中.面对新的科技革命浪潮,重庆将重点培育电子信息、生物工程、环保工程三大高新技术先导产业.重庆市场网络完备,周边辐射人口近3亿. 重庆对外开放呈全方位、多层次、宽领域状态.加拿大、日本、英国在重庆设有领事机构.目前已与174个国家和地区建立了经济贸易合作关系,世界500强企业中有38家落户重庆;加拿大丰业和香港宝生、香港汇丰、日本住友、东亚等银行,日本安田、美国利宝、加拿大永明等保险公司及香港苏江叶冼律师事务所都在重庆设立了分支机构或办事处.奥地利等国的商会也在重庆设有办事机构.2002年4月在重庆召开并发表了《重庆宣言》的亚洲议会和平协会第三届年会、2004年7月由美国《商业周刊》在重庆主办的有数位国际知名政要出席的国际总裁会议以及将首次在中国重庆召开的2005年亚太城市市长峰会,已经并将进一步提升重庆对外开放的形象. 自中央批准为直辖市以来,重庆的经济社会发展取得了巨大成就.2004年全市生产总值2665亿元,比1996年增长1.51倍;固定资产投资1610亿元,增长4.9倍.城镇和农村居民人均可支配收入分别达到9221元、2535元,均比直辖前增长60%以上.近年来,重庆市对外经济贸易迅速发展,2003年全市进出口总额达38.6亿美元,比1996年增长1.8倍,其中出口20.9亿美元,增长2.48倍,各类外贸经营企业达到1485家.特别是近年加大了政策扶持力度,外商投资环境正日趋完善.截至2004年底,全市累计批准“三资”企业3748家,合同外资金额68.41亿美元,实际吸收外资36.41亿美元;签订对外承包工程、劳务合作、设计咨询合同金额12.85亿美元,派出人员31311人次. 举世瞩目的三峡工程建设和库区移民开发,为重庆发展注入了新的活力;中央直辖市的设立,开辟了重庆发展的新天地;西部大开发战略的实施,揭开了重庆加快发展的新篇章. 重庆各族人民正根据中国共产党第十六届代表大会绘制的宏伟蓝图,以科学的发展观为指导,求真务实、开拓创新,正按照西部大开发战略的总体规划,努力构建以都市发达经济圈、渝西经济走廊、三峡库区生态经济区为代表的“三大经济区”,为把重庆建成长江上游经济中心而奋斗着. 今天的重庆,在地理、人文和社会环境上,正在形成越来越强的磁场,产生着不可抗拒的引力,正日益凸显其气度恢宏、激情飞扬的魅力