作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/04 19:20:54
()1.How is your grandpa?A.Yes,I have a small one.
()2.Can you spell it,please?B.I think it's all right.
()3.Who's on duty today?C.They're lockes.
()4.Do you have a map?D.We are.
()5.Sorry!You look the same.E.Thank you.Nice to meet you.
()6.Welcome to our city.F.That's OK.
()7.How about this one?G.Thank you.
()8.What day is today?H.He's very well,thanks.
()9.Your bedroom is very clean.I.It's Moday.
()10.Look at the door and the window.J.Yes,B-A-G,bag.
()11.When's your birthday?K.Tom's birthday is in May.
Ben:Let's have a camp trip this Saturday.
Kitty:Great!What do we need?
Ben:We need some bread and drinks.
Kitty:What drink do you like?
Ben:I like apple juice.What about you?
Kitty:Milk.It's my favourite drink.
Ben:All right.Let's go to the supermarket now.
Kitty:OK.But I haven't got enough money.
()1.Ben and Kitty want to go for a camp this Sunday.
()2.They only need something to drink.
()3.They want to go to the supermarket to buy these things.
()4.Ben's favourite drink is milk.
()5.Kitty want to take some apple juice with him.
()6.They have enough money now.
一、1.H(how 表示问候之意)2.J(spell表示拼写)3.D(询问今天是谁当值)4.A(一般疑问句用yes或no回答)5.F(表示没关系)6.E(表示感谢和初次见面时的问候)7.B(询问对方意见)8.I(今天周几)9.G(对别人称赞的回答)10.C 11.K
二、1.F(not on sunday,由文中第三句话可知是on saturday)
2.F(由文中第五句话可知 they also need some bread)
4.F(milk 是kitty 最喜欢的饮料)
5.F(kitty 想要带一些milk)
6.F(kitty haven't got enough money)