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英语翻译帮忙将下面两段翻译成英文 进入21世纪以来,电子商务正以惊人的速度发展并在国际贸易领域产生了巨大的影响.电子商务

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 21:54:46
Since the 21st century, e-commerce is developing at an amazing speed and in international trade field produced great impact. Electronic commerce is increasingly language with computer and the rapid development of Internet technology and the enterprise put in global economic competition demand and output, it is becoming a kind of western developed countries for international trade new tools, and its role in continually expanding, is increasingly becoming the important means of international trade.
As the electronic commerce in the world within the scope of the high speed development of economy, the traditional trade ways by the huge impact, international trade informationization had huge development. All countries in the world are highly valued. As for China, foreign trade field can better application e-commerce became the key to the development of China's foreign trade. China's e-commerce in international trade application is still in the initial stage. As a new kind of productivity, e-commerce to our country international trade development also produced a nonnegligible effects, especially in foreign trade system and open today. This paper expounds the electronic commerce in our country international trade problems existing in the development and current situation of the development, analyzes the e-commerce to our country international trade influence, in China is presented in the international trade of e-commerce development countermeasure.
英语翻译帮忙将下面两段翻译成英文 进入21世纪以来,电子商务正以惊人的速度发展并在国际贸易领域产生了巨大的影响.电子商务 英语翻译全球互联网的兴起与发展,对人类生活发生了巨大影响,电子商务作为互联网的一个主要应用领域,正逐渐成为21世纪的主要 英语翻译一方面,电子商务对物流活动产生了重大影响.在电子商务形势下,物流业应采取新的发展策略.另一方面,物流业对电子商务 英语翻译电子商务对人类社会经济产生了重大影响,在创造巨大经济效益的同时,也从根本上改变了整个社会商务活动发展进程.随着电 英语翻译电子商务将逐渐取代传统商务活动模式而成为21世纪经济活动的核心,因为电子商务的影响使得传统商业在运营模式,供应链 英语翻译随着“知识经济”时代的到来,互联网迅速覆盖全球,电子商务迅猛发展,对我国的经济和社会产生了巨大影响.目前,我国的 求一篇有关电子商务对国际贸易影响的英文文章, 英语翻译摘要随着互联网技术的日益发展,电子商务作为一种新兴商务模式在各行各业广泛应用并迅速发展.电子商务的出现,打破了以 帮忙将电子商务的中文摘要翻译成英文,谢谢!! 帮忙用英语翻译个论文题目“中小企业利用电子商务发展国际贸易的策略分析” 英语翻译随着世界经济的迅速发展,电子商务在世界范围内已广泛的应用.电子商务对国际贸易、企业经营、个人生活方式产生了一场革 谈谈电子商务在国际贸易中的作用如何?特别是我国今年电子商务的发展与应用情况.