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Einstein's profile
In Britain the hero selection millennium (Reuters), the first rank, Marx is Einstein by one second, Reuters reported, "said the communist manifesto of marxism and the capital over the past more than a century of global political and economic thoughts produced profound effect".
Albert Einstein (on, Albert, Einstein, March 14, 1879-1955), April 18, American physicists, the jews said IQ reaches 160, the founder of modern physics and founder, relativity - "energy", "the interpretation of quantum mechanics theory of particle vibration defender (-) of the dice. On December 26, 1999, Einstein was American time magazine voted "great men".
Einstein in 1900, graduated from university of Zurich in Switzerland nationality merged into industry. In 1905 by university of Zurich PhD. Patent Office in Bern. Zurich polytechnic university, Prague deutsche university professor. In 1913, RenBaiLin William emperor to Germany Berlin university physics research institute, and professors, and was elected Prussian academy of sciences. In 1933, by the Nazi regime persecution, move, the American institute for advanced study in theoretical physics, professor, 1940 into American citizenship. A familiar motto is "everything is relative. But Einstein's theory is the philosophy of cliches type, it is a kind of precise with mathematics method of expression. This method, scientific measure is relative. Obviously, the subjective feeling of time and space depend on themselves.
At the time, Einstein's imperial team one day by Munich city street, curious people are flocking to the window, children are cheering for the fun of bright and clean helmet soldiers of longing, but Einstein but fear to hide, he despised and fear that these "war", and the devil of his mother took him to his never become the devil's land. Secondary school, mother met Einstein's request, and brought him to Italy. Einstein gave up his German citizenship, but he does not apply to join the Italian citizenship, and he will make a don't any attachment to the citizens of the world... After the war, Einstein tried in reality based on his dreams of world peace, and in the "enemy" made in a series of "peaceful" speech. His thoughts and actions, that he had a fatal disaster: XianZao Russian imperialist ambitions of the muzzle aristocratic woman assassin he secretly alignment, Germany assassins right-wing also appeared on the list of names of Albert Einstein, Hitler's reward 20,000 mark to his head. In order to make themselves and the world remain "harmony", Einstein had moved from Italy, Holland, and from the U.S., and move an American citizen. He thinks that the kingdom in the United States, classes in the people can coexist in the managed to get by on friendship. Since the extract (academic journal of applied writing in 1985, 5-6 "Einstein's reflection"
At the end of 19th century is the great changes of physics, Einstein from experimental facts, to investigate the basic concept, in physics to the fundamental theoretical breakthrough. Some of his achievement greatly promoted the development of astronomy. He quantum theory of astrophysics, especially the theoretical astrophysics has very big effect. Theoretical astrophysics first ripe - star is in the atmosphere, the theory of quantum theory and based on the theory of radiation. Einstein's relativity successfully reveal the relationship between energy and quality and clung to "god not dice" quantum interpretation and translation (micro particle vibration of vector and) determinism positions, solved the long-standing problem of the star energy sources. In recent years, found more high-energy physics, relativity explain such phenomena has become one of the most basic theoretical tool. The general relativity is a mystery astronomically years later, and deduce the light bending verified, also became the theoretical foundation of many astronomical concept.
Einstein quote
1 and in truth and understanding, with the authority of any person, will laugh at the downfall of god!
2 and all things on truth, the attitude rashly in great also insufficient.
3, a sweet and bitter from yourself and outside, and strong from within, from a people unremitting efforts!
4 and wisdom, but not YuXueLi generated from the knowledge for lifelong unremitting pursuit.
5, we are defined as follows: the education of wisdom never deviate a target. So-called school education, it is forgotten all learn after the rest of the skill.
6 and truly valuable things not from ambition or simple sense of responsibility, But out of things to and love and concentration.
7, A = X + Y + Z! A is successful, X, Y is hard work is the correct method, Z is less talk bosh!
8 and if there is an able to cope with the demand of modern science and religion and scientific nature, it must be a buddhist.
9 I never take ease and joyfulness as the purpose of life itself - the ethical foundation, I call it the pigsty.
The scientific research as drilling, someone like wood drill, and I like the thin drill thick
11. Everyone has certain ideals, the ideal determines the direction of his endeavors and his judgments. .
12 the true greatness to human suffering only one of the channel.
13 - regardless of the trend of The Times and social fashion, people always can with noble quality, beyond time and society, walk oneself the correct road.
14 a person with real tuk, only the strength and the whole of his career, to a certain to become a real masters. Therefore, only the best can master.
15. I don't have any special ability, but like the roots of the problem to dig for it.
16 not sacrifice, there is no possibility of real progress.
But the value of a man shall see him, what contribution, but should not see what he has.
18. Imagination is more important than knowledge.
The compound X time = the eighth wonder of the world.
阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein,1879年3月14日-1955年4月18日),美国物理学家,犹太人,据说智商达到160,现代物理学的开创者和奠基人,相对论——“质能关系”的提出者,“决定论量子力学诠释”的捍卫者(振动的粒子)——不掷骰子的上帝. 1999年12月26日,爱因斯坦被美国《时代周刊》评选为“世纪伟人”.
在爱因斯坦小的时候,有一天德皇军队通过慕尼黑的市街,好奇的人们都涌向窗前喝彩助兴,小孩子们则为士兵发亮的头盔和整齐的脚步而神往,但爱因斯坦却恐惧得躲了起来,他既瞧不起又害怕这些“打仗的妖怪”,并要求他的母亲把他带到自己永远也不会变成这种妖怪的国土去.中学时,母亲满足了爱因斯坦的请求,把他带到意大利.爱因斯坦放弃了德国国籍,可他并不申请加入意大利国籍,他要做一个不要任何依附的世界公民……大战过后,爱因斯坦试图在现实的基础上建立他的世界和平的梦想,并且在“敌国”里作了一连串“和平”演说.他的思想和行动,使他险遭杀身之祸:一个抱有帝国主义野心的俄国贵族女刺客把枪口偷偷对准了他;德国右翼刺客们的黑名单上也出现了阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的名字;希特勒悬赏两万马克要他的人头.为了使自己与这个世界保持“和谐”,爱因斯坦不得不从意大利迁到荷兰,又从荷兰迁居美国,而且加入了美国国籍.他认为,在美国这个国度里,各阶级的人们都能在勉强过得去的友谊中共存下去. (节选自《应用写作》学术月刊1985年第5-6期《爱因斯坦的反省》)
7、A=X+Y+Z! A就是成功,X是艰苦的劳动,Y是正确的方法,Z是少谈空话!