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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 11:06:15
My name is WeiKe,I live in Beijing.Beijing in north China.This is the capital of China,is a big city.If you don't have a map,you will get lost.
The center is the Forbidden City in Beijing.Although the imperial palace is nearly 600 years old,but still is very beautiful.Emperor of qing dynasty used at living.While in 1925,instead of the museum.You will be building and beautiful clothes and furniture design attract,in the past is used by the emperor.
The 紫禁城 is next to 天安门square.天安门 this word means the 天安门 gate.It is the biggest square in the world,there are often many tourists.Every day there are many tourists gathered here in the morning they watch raising the national flag.Local people like walking and there kite flying.
In northwestern Beijing Summer Palace.This is the famous Chinese gardens.In the last emperor spent the summer.The Summer Palace consists mainly of a hill and a personal bridge-building,pagodas and lakes,all in this region.
My favorite attractions is the Great Wall.It is a long wall is north China operation more than 5000 kilometers.It with rocks and sticks to build,in ancient times,making the country northern border,can be protected.It is one of the wonders of the world.You can experience the beauty of it and great,although climbing up very tired.
Visit my city!
About 桂林
Hello.My name is MeiFang.My hometown is in 桂林.桂林 is in south China very beautiful city.It is located in 丽江 river Banks.In the city and in the mountains,you are likely to see different views,the traditional Chinese painting.
In northwestern cave.In this underground cavern,there are many beautiful shape bizarre rocky.Unless you use their eyes found,otherwise you can't imagine how they are amazing.
This is very interesting.You can rent the bus station in a city ride bicycle very safe.You can also along the lijiang river cruise.
I hope you can use one day visit my city!
英语翻译我的名字叫卫科,我住在北京.北京在中国北方.这是中国首都,是一个非常大的城市.如果你没有一个地图,你会迷路.在北 英语翻译嗨,约翰我给你介绍两个城市,一个是北京,北京是中国的首都,有许多名胜古迹.另一个是杭州,杭州景色十分优美.希望你 英语翻译1.悉尼是澳大利亚的首都吗?不是,它是澳大利亚的一个城市.2.你知道中国的首都吗?当然,它是北京.3.美国的首都 英语翻译我居住在北京,中国的首都,这是一个十分漂亮的城市.每一年有许多游客来参观北京,因为这里有很多古老的建筑,这里的交 翻译“中国的首都北京是一个非常美丽的城市” 我喜欢住在北京,因为它是中国的首都.英语翻译 英语翻译如果我有机会我第一个想去的地方就是中国的首都北京,然后在去世界各地的城市旅游,看看不一样城市的不同文化.那一定是 英语翻译1、如果你的一位朋友要到北京,你会建议他什么季节来?2、如果一个外国朋友要来中国,你会建议他在什么季节去哪座城市 英语翻译这是我小学的最后一个暑假了,不过却过得非常有意义.因为在放假期间,爸爸带我去了我们的首都,祖国的心脏——北京.在 英语翻译(英语翻译)我最想去的地方是北京,原因如下:1.北京是中国的首都,是中国的政治中心2.北京是一座历史古城.在北京 英语翻译1.你的父亲在北京工作吗?2.你是在20世纪90年代出生吗?3.我去过北京多次,所以我对北京非常熟悉.4.我们在 英语翻译我最喜欢的城市是北京.它是我国首都,是一个历史悠久的城市.有很多名胜古迹,比如故宫,长城,颐和园,北海公园等等.