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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 02:42:07
1. 当形容词修饰由 any-, every-, no-, some- 和 -body,-one, -thing 等构成的复合不定代词时,形容词需要后置.
There is something important in today's newspaper.
He wanted to get someone reliable to help in this work.
(注意:若something 前面有定冠词修饰,形容词不用后置.例如:There , on the table , was the mysterious something that they had been looking for . 看,在桌子上,正是他们一直孜孜以求的神秘的东西)
2. 当形容词修饰起名词作用的anywhere ,somewhere 时,通常后置.
Can you find anywhere quiet? 你能找个清静的地方吗?
He has been sent to somewhere particular.
3. 以 -able 或 -ible 结尾的形容词一般充当后置定语,表示暂时的特征或现象(在意义上有强烈的谓语色彩和被动意义),或以all,every,only,very等修饰的名词时形容词通常后置,常见的这类形容词有sensible, visible, responsible, possible, acceptable, remarkable, available等.
It's the only solution possible. 这是唯一可能采取的解决办法.
Are there any tickets available? 还有票吗?
That's the only star visible now. 那是颗现在唯一可见的星星.
4. 以字母a-开头的表语形容词,如 asleep, awake, afraid, afloat, ablaze,alive 等作定语时,通常后置.
He was the only person awake at the moment.
He is one of the few workers alive today who took part in the strike.他是参加过这次罢工当今还活着的少数工人之一.
The house ablaze is next door to me.
The boats afloat were not seen by the enemy.
(注明:以a为首做后置定语的形容词还有:alone, alike, aware, ashamed 等.但这些词在有一状语修饰时,也可以做前置定语.例如:
the fast asleep children 熟睡的孩子们
the wide awake patient 完全醒着的病人
a somewhat afraid soldier 一个有点惊恐的士兵)
5. else 修饰疑问代词时,须后置.
Did you see anybody else? 你还看到别人了吗?
Little else remains to be done. 没剩下什么事要做的了.
Who else wanted to go there? 还有谁想去那儿?
6. 当形容词前有 so, more, most等词修饰时,常后置.
7. 形容词短语通常后置,其功能相当于一个定语从句.
He looked at the street full of cars. 他看着车辆拥挤的街道.
The basket full of some fruits belongs to the old woman . 盛满各种水果的这个篮子是这位老妇人的.(full of some fruits 相当于which is full of some fruits )
8. 两个或两个以上的形容词用 and 或 or 连接作定语,表示强调意义时要后置.
Every nation,big or small,has its strong points and weak points.每个民族,无论大小,都有自己的优点和缺点.
There was a huge cupboard,simple and beautiful.
9. 形容词比较结构须后置定语.
The Smiths need a car garage twice larger than this one .
He has booked the seat farthest from the door on the train for us . 他已经为我们预定了火车上离车门最远的座位.
Yesterday , a Mr Brown , 28 years old , came to visit you . 昨天,一位二十八岁,自称是布朗先生的人来拜访过你.
There used to be a tall building about 50 metres high . 过去,这里曾经有一座大约50米高的大楼.
He crossed a street fifteen metres wide. (= He crossed a 15-metre-wide street.)
He has a sister twenty years old. (= He has a 20-year-old sister.)
There is an avenue two kilometers long in this city. (= There is a 2000-metre-long avenue in this city.)
11. 有些形容词作前置定语时和后置定语时所表达的意义不同.
形容词responsible 作“可信赖的;可靠的”解时,作前置定语;作“有责任的;应负责的”解时,须作后置定语.例如:
He is a responsible man . 他是一个可以信赖的人.
The man responsible should be their manager . 负责任的应该是他们的经理.
形容词present 作“现在的;目前的;现存的”解时,作前置定语;作“出席的;在场的”解时,须作后置定语.例如:
What is your present address ? 你现在的住址是什么?
The present international situation is excellent . 当前的国际形势一片大好.
The professors present at the meeting came from Shandong University . 出席这次会议的教授们来自山东大学.
The students present welcomed the decision . 在场的学生都欢迎那个决议.
A car worth $ 80,000 is not too dear for him to buy . 对他来讲,买一辆价值八万美元的车不算太贵.(worth $ 80,000相当于which / that is worth $ 8,000)
The tall building worth 200,000 dollars in all has been sold to a foreigner . 总计达20万美元的高楼已经卖给了一位外国人.
12. 在某些固定搭配中,单个词作定语也常常要后置.如:
secretary general秘书长
from time immemorial远古以来
a court martial军事法庭
the sum total总数
二、副词 here, there, in, out, above, below, home, above, downstairs, upstairs,abroad, before, yesterday 等作定语时,需要后置.
The air here is very fresh.
The people there are very friendly.
When do you think the inventions in the pictures above were made? 你认为上面图片里的物体是什么时候发明的?
The man downstairs got home very late that night.
Please fetch me the electric shaver from the room upstairs.



1)A friend in hand is a friend in need. 中的介词短语 in hand;
2)I have a question to ask you. 中的不定式to ask you;
3)This is the shortest way leading to the station. 中的分词短语leading to the station;
4)Most of the people singing are the students.
5)Their high standard showed the proGREss made.
6)The man whom I saw yesterday was a worker. 中的关系性从句whom I saw yesterday.