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英语翻译You have probably observed that a modern stoplight at an

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/01 10:36:00
You have probably observed that a modern stoplight at an intersection between a busy street and a less busy street will leave the green light on the busy street until a car approaches on the less busy street.This type of street light is controlled by a computer program that can sense the approach of cars on the less busy street.That moment when the light changes from green to red is not fixed in the program but rather varies with each traffic situation.The conditional statement in the stoplight program would be something like,"if a car approaches on the less busy street and the more busy street has already enjoyed the green light for at least a minute then move the green light to the less busy street".The conditional statement also allows a program to react to the results of its own calculations.An example would be the program that the I.R.S uses to detect tax fraud.This program first computes a person's tax liability and then decides whether to alert the police based upon how that person's tax payments compare to his obligations.
你也许会观察到在一条繁忙的街道和较不繁忙的街道交叉口处有一种现代的交通灯,它可以等到较不繁忙的道路上的汽车通过之后才亮起繁忙的街道上的绿灯.这种交通灯是由计算机程序控制的,能够感应到较不繁忙的道路上的汽车的是否接近岔口.交通灯由绿转红不是由程序设定的而是随每次的交通状况二变化的.这种交通灯程序中的条件语句就类似于如果较不繁忙的道路上的一辆汽车接近岔口时,而繁忙的道路上的绿灯亮了至少一分钟,那么较不繁忙的道路上的绿灯将转亮.条件语句也允许程序根据自己计算的结构作出反应.最好的例子就是国内收入署(international revenue service)用这种程序来侦察税收舞弊行为.这种程序首先计算出一个人应纳税额,然后根据此人支付的税款比较他承担的义务来决定是否要通知警察.