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请大神翻译英语题 十万火急啊 谢谢啦

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/04 06:41:29
请大神翻译英语题 十万火急啊 谢谢啦


刘威廉在1946年来到美国,作为一个年轻人, 他看待亚裔美国人的经验有所不同。即如史蒂文森所说,作为一名新移民,出于不同的原因, 他必须脱颖而出,他说他觉得压力很大。 「史蒂文森的研究讨论儒家思想中向父母负责的意义,而我主要是出于偏见」,他说。 「那段时间,在美国的反亚裔的感觉不是很普遍。我不能只是普通人,如果我不是明显地胜人一筹,我就是没出息。」刘的观点是有点儿强迫,但是,它并不能解释一切。刘现得知他的孩子在长大的时所承受的压力不相伯仲,虽然二战期间针对亚洲人的歧视于很大程度上已成过去,当时他还未出生。 「我儿子是学医的,但我知道他真的想成为一位银行家」,刘说。 「有一天,我问他为什么选择了学医,而不是银行业。他告诉我说:「我从小就听你夸朋友的孩子能学医,所以我感到内疚,我没有任何选择。」刘吓坏了。 「我从未想过让我的孩子觉得他们欠了我些什么。但这么一说,孩子亏欠父母一切,又似乎是躲不了的。」
William Liu who came to the United States as a youngster in 1946 views the Asian-American experience somewhat differently . As a new immigrant he says he felt a lot of pressure to excel but for different reasons as Stevenson mentions. “Stevenson’s studies discuss the Confucian-style sense of obligation to one’s parents whereas I was largely motivated by prejudice ”, he says . “Anti-Asian feeling wasn't quite widespread America at that time. I couldn’t be just average if I wasn’t obviously better than other people, I was considered worse.” Liu’s point is a compelling one, however, it doesn’t explain everything . Liu is now learning that his children grew up with similar feelings of pressure although the wartime discrimination against Asians had become largely a thing of the past before they were born. “My son is studying medicine but I knew he really wanted to be a banker ”, Liu says. “One day I asked him why he chose medical school instead of banking. He told me . "All my life I heard you congratulating friends whose kids got into medical school, so I felt guilty. I didn’t have any choice." Liu was horrified. “I never meant to make my children feel they had to repay me for anything. But this sense that you owe your parents everything seems nearly irresistible.