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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 11:14:02
The daughter of the sea(海的女儿)Character :小人鱼、王子、巫婆、龙王、龙母、公主、牧师、人鱼姐姐(5人)旁白、群众演员(舞) 故事内容:旁白:Deep in the sea (在海底),there lived the sea king(他们住在海王国) ,who had been a widower for many years(住在那里已经有许多年的) and his aged mother kept house for him and took care of his six daughters(他的皇后,国王,和6个女儿) ,who were very happy and pretty(他们非常开心和都过得很好) .She always told them something (她总是告诉她们一些东西):龙母:The flowers of the land are beautiful (鲜花很漂亮),and trees of the forest are green(树是绿油油的) ,and birds can sing so sweetly(还有小鸟能在天空中歌唱)女儿们:When can we rise up out of sea ?(我们什么时候才能离开大海到外面去看看)龙母: when you have reached your fifteenth year (等到你们16岁时)!You can see the rocks in the moon light(你可以在月光下看见河) ,while the great slips are sailing by; and then you will see both forests and towns.女儿们:oh how wonderful !旁白:How time flies (时间过得很快)! Five of these daughters had reached out of the sea (五个女儿终于可以离开大海到外面去看看了), and saw many beautiful things(她们看见许多漂亮的东西).大女儿:oh , what a beautiful day(噢,多么漂亮的日子) !I can hear the music(我能听见音乐) ,I can play with ship(我能旅行) .I see the big animals on the shore(我看见有好大的动物在岸上). That’s horse(那是一只马) !二女儿:wa ho … The sun looks like a flower(那太阳看起来很像花朵) .The color of the sun is red (那太阳的颜色是红色的).Who painted the wonderful sun ?三女儿:where is it(那是什么?)? Oh I rise up .I see the children playing on shore(我看见孩子们在大地上玩耍) .I want to play with them(我想和他们一起玩).四女儿:oh ,I arrive another world(这是另外的一个世界) .It is different from my home (这和我们家不同).But I’m afraid of whales.五女儿:What a surprise(多么惊喜)! All the world is white(全部世界都是白色的) .In the deep sea(在海底), there are many kinds of flowers(那里有许多花) .but why there are many white flowers(但是没有白色的花). Oh, no(噢,不)! It’s snow(那是雪). 大女儿:Although the scene is wonderful .But our home is the best (不过我们最好该回家了).女儿们:Yes…We must go home (是的,我们必须回家了)!(五个女儿退场,小人鱼上场)旁白:Today(今天) ,the youngest daughter was fifteen, two(小人鱼也16岁了)小人鱼:Oh, I can rise out of the sea (噢,我终于能离开大海了了).What’s that (那是什么)?Maybe it is an interesting thing(或许那是个有趣的东西) ? Oh, on (噢,不)! It’s a man (那是一个男人).But why he lies on the shore(但是为什么他躺在海滩上) .Wake up! Wake up…王子:Where am I (我在哪里)? What’s wrong(有什么问题) ?小人鱼:You met a storm (你遇见了麻烦).So I brought you here(所以我带你离开这) !王子:so you have save me ?小人鱼:yes(是的) !王子:what’ s your name (你叫什么名字)?小人鱼:my name is summary(我的名字叫"苏美娅"(大概是吧,我不会翻译人名啦)).旁白:they have been together for several days and now they fall in love with each other .but they have to part.王子:I must go home(我必须回家了) .the people need me (人民需要我)! I want to take you with me(我想带你回去和我在一起)!小人鱼:(crying)(流着泪)no, I ’ m just a fish(不,我只是一条鱼). If I have a chance .I ‘be a human being . Remember me(记得我)!(王子退场,龙王龙母上场)小人鱼:dear father and grandmother I have fallen in love with a human being(亲爱的父亲的奶奶,现在我有了一个深爱的人) .I want to with him (我想的他在一起)!龙王:no way(不可以) ! You are a fish(你是一条鱼) .he is a human being(而他是一个人类) !If you go with him (如果你和他在一起).you will not happy(你不会开心的) .龙母:that’ right (说得对),my dear(我的宝贝) !It is not possible(这不可能的)!小人鱼:(crying)(流着泪)dad (父亲), grandmother I beg you ! I beg you !龙王:(angry)no,no.(不、不)(龙王龙母下场.巫婆上场)小人鱼:what should I do(我该怎么办)?巫婆:ha …Ha…I can help you(哈…哈…我能帮你) .小人鱼:who are you (你是谁)?巫婆:I am a witch(我是巫婆). I change you into a human being .But cut your tongue as a payment .小人鱼:(think for a while)(想了一会)ok . I’ll do it(可以,我愿意)!(小人鱼、巫婆下场,王子和公主、牧师上场)牧师:prince(王子) , are you pleased to marry the princess and love her forever?王子:yes , I will(是的,我将要).牧师:and princess(公主), are you pleased to marry the prince and share the happiness and sorrow with him ?公主:yes, I am(是的,我可以)(a little shy)(有一点伤心)牧师:change the rings (交换戒指).ok . Now you have got married ,you should take care of each other from now on! Amen(阿门)! 小人鱼:(crying)(流着泪)oh(噢) , I am the most unhappy one in the world (我最不快乐的日子是在世界上).but I love him so much (但是我还是非常爱他). God ,god(上帝,上帝) .give me a chance !Oh, I am so cold(噢,我非常伤心) .I am going to die (我将要死去).旁白:summary is died(苏美娅已经死了) .but the prince never care about her(但是那个王子从来不知道她).