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英语翻译1) The world is becoming more and more like a global vil

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 17:50:04
1) The world is becoming more and more like a global village every day.Nevertheless,every country and region still has its specific culture and history.In South Asia,India for a long time was the centre of a great empire and its cultural influence is still observed in neighbouring countries.Major world religions,such as Hinduism,Buddhism,Jainism and Sikhism originated here.Islam and Christianity also flourished later.
2) Today India is the seventh-largest country by geographical area and the second most populous in the world.The name India is derived from the Indus River.It borders Pakistan to the west,China,Nepal,and Bhutan to the north-east,Bangladesh and Burma (Myanmar),and the Bay of Bengal to the east.In the Indian Ocean,India is in the vicinity of Sri Lanka,Maldives and Indonesia.
3) At the dawn of the day,India was an island shifting towards the Asian continent.When the island touched the continent,it formed a sea.In due time,the sea dried up and created the salt mines in the west of Punjab.The edges of the Indian and Asian plates started pushing each other and the world’s highest chain of mountains,the Himalayas,came into being.The Himalayas prevent cold Central Asian winds from blowing in.This keeps the bulk of the Indian subcontinent warmer than most locations at similar latitudes.India’s climate is also strongly influenced by the Thar Desert and summer monsoon winds from the Indian Ocean which provide most of India’s rainfall
4) The Indian subcontinent was identified with India’s commercial and cultural wealth for much of its long history.One of the most famous world civilisations,the Indus Valley Civilization (C.3300-1700BC,flowered 2600-1900 B.C.E.),flourished in the Indus and Ghaggar-Hakra river valleys in what is now Pakistan and north-western India.Another name for this civilization is the Harappan Civilization,named after the first excavated city of Harappa.In 1857,major cities such as Ropar and Sanghol sites were excavated in east Punjab.British engineers unwittingly employed bricks from the Harappa ruins in the construction of the East Indian Railway line.Remnants or the civilization were found most often on rivers,but also on the ancient sea-coast -- for example Balakot,and on islands such as Dholavira.Other major cities from this period were also found in this general area.
1) 世界开始变得像地球村了,然而,每一国家和地区仍然有它特别的文化与历史.在南亚,一个长时间为中心的印度帝国,它的文化影响邻国仍被周边国家所关注,大多宗教信仰都发源于这里,如:印度教、佛教、耆那教和锡克教,伊斯兰教、基督教也随着兴旺起来.
2) 从地理位置划分,今天印度是第七大国家,也是世界第二人口最稠密的地方.印度这个名字起源于印度河,它的国界是从巴基斯坦的西部、中国、尼泊尔、不丹的东北部、孟加拉国、缅甸到孟加拉海湾的东部.在印度洋中,印度在斯里兰卡、马尔代夫、印度尼西亚的周围.
3) 黎明时分印度是朝向亚洲大陆的一个小岛.当小岛靠近大陆时就形成了海洋.适时的,在旁遮普的西部,海洋变干形成了盐矿.印度的边缘与亚洲板块开始相互推动,成为世界上最高的山脉链,形成了喜马拉雅山脉.喜马拉雅山阻挡了亚洲中心地带冷风的吹入,这就使印度大部分次大陆地区比纬度地区暖和.印度的气候也被塔尔沙漠强烈的影响着,夏天的季风从印度降雨量最多的印度洋刮来.
4) 印度的次大陆被其商业与悠久历史文化财富所鉴定.被评为世界上最著名的文化之一,印度河山谷文化(公元前3300—1700),从印度河繁荣兴旺到伽噶哈克拉河山谷至今天的巴基斯坦和印度西北地区.这个文明社会的另一个名字叫哈拉帕文明,以哈拉帕城市的第一次开凿命名.在1857年,主要的城市例如:罗巴尔和旁遮普东部的开凿圣格尔遗址.英国工程师无意的使用了从西印度火车线哈拉帕遗迹建筑中的砖块.文明社会的残余部分在河流中被找到多数,但也有在古老的海岸边,例如:巴拉科特和朵拉维那.这个时期的其他主要城市也是在这个地区发现的.