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1、three positive integers(正整数)have a sum of 28.The greatest

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 13:11:36
1、three positive integers(正整数)have a sum of 28.The greatest possible product that these integers can have is_______.
2、two numbers are in the ratio 2:3.when 4 is added to each number the ratio changes to 5:7.The sum of two orginal numbers is______.
3、Did you know?A palindrome is a number(回文数)which reads the samn forwards as backwards e.g.(例如)35453.Next year 2002 is an exanple of a palindrome number.What are the difference between 2002 and the number od the previous(以前)palindrome year?
2.(2a+4):(3a+4)=5:7 a=8
原来的两个数是16 24
3.2002-1991 = 11