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by means of,to do/doing 作主语

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 11:16:53
by means of,to do/doing 作主语
谁能给我举一些by means of 做主语的句子,还有to do /doing 作主语的句子,我还想知道当这些作主语时,谓语的变化,
y means of 是介宾短语,也叫介词短语,不能做主语、宾语和同位语的,因为介词短语是修饰性的,相当于英语中的形容词或者副词的功能,因此介词短语可以作句子的定语,表语、状语、宾语补足语.
The book on the desk is mine.课桌上的书是我的.(on the besk作book的后置定语)
The monkey is in the tree.猴子在树上.(in the tree作表语)
They had a meeting in the hall.他们在大厅里开了一个会议.(in the hall作地点状语)
Don't always keep your dog in the room.别老是把你的狗关在家里.(in the room是dog的补足语)
In the room there are some old pictures.房间里有些旧画.(地点状语前置了)
On the hill stands an old church.小山顶上矗立着一座老教堂.(地点状语前置了,也可以认为是倒装)
by means of simulator, unit's operation mode under different operating condition can be analyzed, studied and optimized.
以下是几个by means of 的例句
They succeeded by means of perseverance.
Communicated by means of television or radio.
by means of a few drops of strong cordial, the doctor revived the besotted corpse for a few minutes
No smoking is permitted here.
It is not very good for you to smoke so much.
Reading more is necessary.
It is quite necessary to read it again.
Climbing mountains is interesting.爬山很有趣.(经验)
Driving a car during the rush hour is tiring.在高峰时刻开车令人厌烦.(经验)
Seeing him happy made me happy too.
It made me happy to see him happy.
It is useless learning something without practising it.
It is useless to learn something without practising it.
4)不定式作主语时,常使用形式主语结构;而动名词作主语时,较少用形式主语结构,只有在 It is no good, It is no use, It is useless, It is worthwhile 等句型中出现 it 作形式主语现象.如:
It is hard to make him change him mind.
It is not an easy thing to master a language.
How would it be to start tomorrow?
It took all his strength to move out of the crowds.
It seemed a pity to give up the chance.
Business is business and it will not do to be so careless.
It is no good pretending to know what you don't know.
It is no use regretting the past.
It is worthwhile learning another language.
5)在 there is no ... 句型中的主语只能用动名词,并且不能带逻辑主语.如:
There is no denying the fact.
Well, you have said it and there is no taking it back.
It is impossible to deny the fact.
Well, you have said it and it is impossible for you to take it back.
_____computers is my job.
A.To sell B.Sell C.Selling D.Sold
这里讲的是一个笼统的,抽象的动作行为.“销售电脑是我的工作 / 我的工作是销售电脑.”所以说:Selling computers is my job.
Teaching English is my job. (笼统、抽象、泛指)
To teach you English this term is my job. (具体、特指)